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Switching Energy Companies

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It all depends on how you look at it. Our consumption seems pretty high, but I put that down to my wife being at home with the little one a lot of the time and she occasionally works shifts, which means she is at home while I am work. Plus all of the gadgets and gizmos around the house and the washing machine being on almost every day it seems! Hardly an advert for saving the planet.

On average per year, we use 5450kWh of electricity and 19557kWh of gas. Government figures show:

Average cost, based on average of 3800kWh per year for electricity, by direct debit.

North of Scotland: £616

South of Scotland: £556

For 15000kWh of gas:

North of Scotland: £719

South of Scotland: £714

With those figures and how much higher our estimated usages are, a combined £1400 isn't a bad deal at all.

That's quite a lot of electric for 3 folk. I'm guessing that you could cut that down by about 25% without much change to your lifestyle. Go on, set yourself a challenge. :ok:

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We moved into a new house, and I agreed to sign up for 2 years with the previous occupants supplier SSE (I got 2 x £50 vouchers through the post btw), but then got a call from Scottosh power who said they could do it £30 per month cheaper on a similar fixed tarrif.

Guy said I was still in my cooling off period with SSE, and they'd sort out the switchover.

I am slightly wary that 6 weeks in the new place we haven't paid either a penny, or been asked for any readings (other than the day we moved in).

I'm hoping SP have been true to their word and done everything for me, so I don't need to worry, but I am worried that the salesman was a bull shitter and this is all going to come back and bite us.

Dunno if I get to keep the vouchers?


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We moved into a new house, and I agreed to sign up for 2 years with the previous occupants supplier SSE (I got 2 x £50 vouchers through the post btw), but then got a call from Scottosh power who said they could do it £30 per month cheaper on a similar fixed tarrif.

Guy said I was still in my cooling off period with SSE, and they'd sort out the switchover.

I am slightly wary that 6 weeks in the new place we haven't paid either a penny, or been asked for any readings (other than the day we moved in).

I'm hoping SP have been true to their word and done everything for me, so I don't need to worry, but I am worried that the salesman was a bull shitter and this is all going to come back and bite us.

Dunno if I get to keep the vouchers?


When I lived in my first flat I was with Scottish Power and paid by direct debit for both gas and electricity. I paid both bills on time for about 3 years. One month I noticed that they payment hadn't came out which I thought a bit odd but assumed there was in issue with the DD and they would take it soon. The next month was the same, and the month after that and the one after that. I kept meaning to call them to see what was happening but never got round to it......

Fast forward 5 years later (yes really) and I still hadn't had a payment taken or even a chap at the door to read the meter. I eventually got a letter through the door addressed to "The Occupier" saying that a Scottish Power representative would be visiting to take readings. Naturally at this point I was starting to get anxious that I'd need to back pay the best part of 5 and half years worth of gas and electricity. The guy came to the door, took the readings and asked which month I moved in to the flat. I said November (it was currently February) but didn't stipulate what year (he never asked that!!). A week or so later I got a bill through which was backdated from the February to the November of the previous year meaning I effectively got 5 years free gas and leccy! I guess my details must have been deleted from their system or something!

Bizarrely round about the same time I cancelled my Virgin TV (NTL) but kept the broadband and phoneline. Although both phone and broadband were connected and used frequently I never received a bill or had a payment taken from my account for just over 2 years!! It's like I'd slipped of the radar like Jack Bauer! I fecking loved that flat!!

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When I lived in my first flat I was with Scottish Power and paid by direct debit for both gas and electricity. I paid both bills on time for about 3 years. One month I noticed that they payment hadn't came out which I thought a bit odd but assumed there was in issue with the DD and they would take it soon. The next month was the same, and the month after that and the one after that. I kept meaning to call them to see what was happening but never got round to it......

Fast forward 5 years later (yes really) and I still hadn't had a payment taken or even a chap at the door to read the meter. I eventually got a letter through the door addressed to "The Occupier" saying that a Scottish Power representative would be visiting to take readings. Naturally at this point I was starting to get anxious that I'd need to back pay the best part of 5 and half years worth of gas and electricity. The guy came to the door, took the readings and asked which month I moved in to the flat. I said November (it was currently February) but didn't stipulate what year (he never asked that!!). A week or so later I got a bill through which was backdated from the February to the November of the previous year meaning I effectively got 5 years free gas and leccy! I guess my details must have been deleted from their system or something!

Bizarrely round about the same time I cancelled my Virgin TV (NTL) but kept the broadband and phoneline. Although both phone and broadband were connected and used frequently I never received a bill or had a payment taken from my account for just over 2 years!! It's like I'd slipped of the radar like Jack Bauer! I fecking loved that flat!!

**Insert Rangers fan - not paying bills joke here**

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