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Big Dod

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Everything posted by Big Dod

  1. Maybe. No results up yet obviously, no colours on the map, but turnout jumped to 87%. Edit: Just jumped to 87.42% so it's obviously being updated continuously.
  2. The BBC results web page has just come up with turnout of 87.09%. For the country presumably.
  3. I am trying to keep up with a rubbish internet connection. Please stop opening so many new threads! I am a bag of nerves. Please give me something positive.
  4. What was the "impartial economists" name? On the BBC? Scotland would be running at a lower deficit than rUK. Sounds fishy.
  5. If ever a country fitted an AFI mentality it's Scotland. Let's just hope the SMP brigade are hugely outnumbered.
  6. Is that all? Can someone pretend to be my mother before she makes a big mistake? PM for details.;-)
  7. Always knew he was a good guy. Some of the crap he's had to put up with is ridiculous. I would imagine there's a truckload more on it's way now. Good on you Andy. Hope he wins Wimbers next year. I will split my sides.
  8. Emotional roller coaster just about sums it up. Except it the biggest coaster ever built. I'm a bag of nerves and the polls aren't even open yet.
  9. For as long as I can remember I've wanted independence. Nobody told me, nobody led me, it was a journey I had travelled before I reached my teens. A fierce pride in Scotland and it's people, and a burning fire inside whenever they were belittled, which was often. Yes, I wanted social justice, but even at that age I despised how Labour weighed their votes then ignored their electorate. Everything, to me, had a Scottish context. So I guess I'm a nationalist, and always have been. This is the first vote I have ever missed. The most important one. But I trust the people of Scotland to make the right decision.
  10. Its already past 9am here in the Northern Territory of Australia. Well....this is it. The day of days. The biggest day in Scotland's history for 300 years. God I wish I was there. Ive never been so nervous. Never been so excited. Never been so proud. To the people of Scotland I say this. You are my countrymen and although I'm far away we have bonds that will never be broken. I love you all. Go for it. Seal the deal. Tomorrow you can wake up as free men and women in the best country in the world. Saor Alba. Vote Yes.
  11. That is a pretty damning indictment of the latest BT/media (like there's a difference) scare tactic. I'm sure it will be widely reported today. Not.
  12. The Yes campaign is true democracy in action. Westminster are absolutely terrified of it. F*ck the media and especially f*ck the BBC.
  13. Anybody want cheering up? Have a vote. I know it's childish but I've been smiling since I did it.
  14. I'll be stuck in the middle of the Australian bush, (no not that bush), with a shitey internet connection and no telly. I don't have to stay up all night to hear the results, but on the other hand I have to make it all the way through to 3 or 4pm on Friday before the result is clear. I don't have to listen to non-stop propaganda and maybe that's why I feel pretty confident of a Yes vote by a clear margin. Still cacking it like. Nobody can thank the people on the ground enough. We're neck and neck with 2 days to go. Against all the lies, intimidation and bullying of the British establishment. Who would have thought that even a month ago. They are truly bricking it, and that says a lot on its own. Thankyou one and all for everything. Now lets push it over the line and show these bastards.
  15. What a load of guff. "sharing equitably the resources of the nations and regions" sounds exactly like what is going on now. We share our resources and WM use it to fund illegal wars and vanity projects in London. I bet the politicians can't wait to tell the populace their taxes are going up because their pocket money has been cut. Better together, my arse. I fkn hate Broon.
  16. Despite all the nazi jibes the ugly face of nationalism in this campaign has been British nationalism. Sure there are nutters on the yes side but overall it's been an exemplary display of civic nationalism and none at all. The Britnats are still being led by the nose by the media. Luckily that boat has sailed for at least 50% of the Scottish population who have learned to think for themselves. This journey and movement has already made our country a much better place. Any politicians post Yes had better be on their toes.
  17. Did anyone read that piece by James Forrest on wings yesterday. That should be required reading for any Labour voters thinking of voting no and should be spread as widely as possible in the few days remaining.
  18. I think Yes will win. By a clear margin. There I've said it. I'm still extremely nervous but I think the surge is gathering momentum and is now unstoppable. Seriously what else can they throw at us?
  19. So does McWhirter in the Herald. Can't link to his piece though.
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