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Khana Lagur

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  1. Is Rangers ‘have’ or Rangers ‘has’ the correct form? Both are correct, depending on 'who' is using them. Here it isn't a case of whether the grammar is absolutely linguistically accurate or not. It’s simply a case of the language convention used in the different worlds of business and journalism. Rangers (the club/business) are using both corporate and public relations language convention, which is to express the entity in singular format, hence the use of ‘has’. In business and PR lingo it also suggests - (in Rangers' case, don't ) - a sense of unity of purpose, organisation and cohesion in the business world. But newspapers (mainstream media in general) use journalistic convention when referring to both football clubs and the Police, hence 'have' is used.
  2. Can't disagree with any of this...
  3. Loved the Prague match because it was the first away game in over a decade where there was no-one singing Doe a deer. (if there was, then I thankfully didn't hear it). For that alone it has to be a turning point.
  4. Just like they probably all think anyone who gets into their taxi is going to be a horrible, disrespectful, drunken idiot who will probably puke on their seats before assaulting them and stealing their takings? Can't understand why people seem to automatically default to this 'robbing bastards' perspective. Some might be that way inclined, but it's because they're that way inclined, not because they're a taxi driver. Lots of people rip others off, they don't all drive taxis. Your friendly local stockbroker or fund manager is more like to be ripping you off than the local cabbie IMO.
  5. I enjoyed it too. We had no intention of heading there (been before) but we were passing at a time when a lot of other places were shut or shutting and decided to go in. Place was packed, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and it was easy enough to get served at the bar. The prices, as far as I could tell, were reasonable for a bar in a tourist area. Plus, we met lots of people we all know, had a good laugh and no-one got hurt or murdered while we were there. Can't really see what there is to moan about. Everyone on a TA trip knows what Irish bars are all about. If you don't like them, just steer clear. On another note - surprised no-one has mentioned (that I can see) the over-the-top 'security' screening before they let you into the ground on Thursday. It was easier and quicker to get through security at Gatwick, Charleroi and Prague airports combined than to get into the ground.
  6. The reason Hibs lost yesterday's game was because Stubbs fell into the trap of thinking that when you appear in a national cup final as a manager you have to wear a ridiculous bouquet of flowers in your lapel. Not only do you just attract flies and bees but it also makes you look like a complete Elmer. Such Neanderthal dress sense will never triumph over the modern, stylish and progressive sartorial approach to cup finals taken by Jim McIntyre, someone who took his cue straight from the pages of cutting edge style bibles and wore a nice wee club badge on his lapel on his big day out.
  7. I still go and see loads of bands I was into back in the late 70s/80s. Over the next few months I'll be going to see 999, Lurkers, Chelsea, Penertation, Sham 69, UK Subs, Angelic Upstarts, SLF, Buzzcocks, Damned, Adicts, Slaughter and the Dogs, Vibrators, Stone Roses and even good old Nazareth.
  8. Dortmund is a proper football stadium, so that would be my number one for football atmosphere/experience etc on a Scotland trip. But other faves include Wembley (old and new), Olympic in Rome, Warsaw, Emirates and I also liked the Kobe Wing Stadium. But fave stadium I ever watched a football match in is the Azteca in Mexico city. But I also love the sheer shittiness of stadiums like the Republican in Chisinau, the Svangaskard in Toftir and the St Dariaus & St Gireno in Kaunas because football's all about experiencing these places, so for me there's no such thing as a shit/bad stadium. Dangerous, yes, but not shit.
  9. 31/1 is correct in terms of probability of such an outcome but probability and odds are not the same thing. I doubt a bookie would offer such high odds on five heads from five tosses. A bookie would base their odds, IMO, on the fact that one coin toss is completely unconnected to either a previous one or a subsequent one. They are totally separate events that will setle based on a single factor and the odds would reflect that.
  10. Scottish Labour's only mentioning this as they have no chance of being in a position to put tax up. Gimmiky opportunism from a redundant party. But that's not to say they don't have a point. Tax banding isn't 'progressive' - it just serves to give working people the illusion that those earning more pay more and therefore it's somehow fair. Traditional tax bands are for income, not wealth. If you want to raise more tax revenues you need to find a way of taxing wealth that the wealthy believe is fair. When people believe something is fair they opt in, if they don't they find ways to avoid. Working people have no option to avoid tax but people who make their money from wealth, rather than income, currently do. It's the prospect of handing over half of what they make that leads many wealthy people to opt out of paying anything. If governments want economies to prosper they need money to flow through them and you don't achieve that if the people with the most money are shuffling and hording their money to avoid tax. That money is lost to the economy. I've long believed that a flat rate income tax across all bands coupled with a flat rate wealth tax will actually bring in more tax revenues if it's at a rate that activey discourages avoidance.
  11. Looks like a pint of absinthe.
  12. Floccinaucinihilipification - that always caught me out in those early years of Latin. And from a previous career - Alexithemia was always alixethemia to me. Liaison was another word that used to trip me up when I was writing the porn stuff.
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