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Remember him on some Saturday morning kids' show back in his teen-idol days. It was a phone-in and some smitten girl asked him who he'd most like to be stuck in a lift with; without missing a beat Harket replies, "A lift engineer". I was quite impressed by this display of quick wit in a foreign tongue, though I can't say it led to a full-blown, birds-twittering, angels-singing, sap-rising, surname-misspelling man-crush on the scale of Flora's.

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Remember him on some Saturday morning kids' show back in his teen-idol days. It was a phone-in and some smitten girl asked him who he'd most like to be stuck in a lift with; without missing a beat Harket replies, "A lift engineer". I was quite impressed by this display of quick wit in a foreign tongue, though I can't say it led to a full-blown, birds-twittering, angels-singing, sap-rising, surname-misspelling man-crush on the scale of Flora's.


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