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Drink Drive Limit To Be Lowered In Scotland

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The message has obviously still to get through to some folk. Met a TAMBer (who shall remain nameless) for some lunchtime refreshments in the Horseshoe - I'd just purchased a pint for him (his third) when he piped up - "I'm taking the wee man to the Scouts at 7.30, do you think I'll be all right to drive?" :hammer: - er, naw, three pints x 2.3 units = 7hrs (factor in the hour after the final drink it would have been circa 10.30pm before he would have been clear). Fortunately, he at least had the sense not to touch the third one.

I think it depends when "lunchtime" is. Personally I don't do lunch so I'm not sure what time it's taken. I have my dinner around midday and tea at teatime but I'm no as posh as some folk.

If he started drinking at 1200 and finished his 3rd pint at 1400 then there is a very good chance he would pass the breath test at 1900. He doesn't need to get down to zero. He only needs to get down below 50. I don't want to encourage folk to drive drunk but the level of scaremongering is so over the top that folk are almost giving up drink altogether. It is driving pubs out of business.

Having said that, if I was in your position, I would have drunk the pint for him just to be on the safe side. :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Post Christmas / New Year party season I haven't heard of a single John Law checkpoint and in 2015 I've seen one traffic car (and I was a pedestrian at the time).

Unless you're swaying all over the road the odds of getting caught in the 50mg to 80mg range must be even smaller than the increased chances of having an accident while 50mg to 80mg.

Edited by Charlie Endell
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Have the penalties as well as the limit itself changed?

We have 50mg as the limit also in NSW, but there essentially fines/points for breaching that, then at 80mg they get serious.

Has Scotland done likewise or is 51mg now essentially the same as 100mg?

Apparently only Westminster can alter the penalties.

The NSW approach sounds sensible - I think France and other countries on mainland Europe follow a similar line - as it stands here there's little difference in terms of punishment between being 51mg and absolutely bladdered, which is crazy.

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Except for those on P plates that is - where the limit is zero and the penalties are draconian.

you need a minimum of 2years of good behavior after passing a test here prior to getting a full licence. Really lessens impact of those overconfident boy racers at 18 driving like lunatics which are bigger risks than lunchtime drinkers)

I'm on a full car licence but still on P plate for motorbike, nice sunny day and really fancied 1 beer at the football on Saturday but just not worth it even though I'd have felt fine. AFL that is, so match lasting 2 and a bit hrs.Quite probable the beer would be gone in this time but penalty too draconian to chance.

On full licence I would have had it, and be certain to be under limit but when in Scotland last Dec my feel was people would be too paranoid to do the same.

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  • 9 months later...

So the change in the law and associated social and business impact has helped catch an extra 4% of drink drivers!

Perhaps a couple more years of figures like these will lead to a review?...

I doubt it.

The figures could suggest that folk who have/had 1 drink and drive aren't really the problem.

They've put the fear of God into people, but the reality is, the same amount of people are being caught, and the vast majority were over the old limit aswell.

I'd be interested to know, although I doubt such figures are available, how many of the people caught were "morning after" versus folk that have had a few drinks and jumped straight behind the wheel.

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The hardcore didn't pay any attention to the old limit - it was pointed out at the time that they were extremely unlikely to heed the new one either.

I'm surprised at the number of people breathalysed - the festive anti drink-drive campaign seemed very low key.

Edited by Charlie Endell
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A lot of people have stopped having one or two and driving but i dont think it will stop the real idiots.

Agree about xmas tine though, i didnt see one stop zone or whatever they are called. The previous few years there were always cops about barrhead stopping folk but nothing at all this year

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