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Everything posted by TDYER63

  1. It certainly beats fishing I will give you that. Not that I have tried crack and hookers, I have never been divorced either. Yet.
  2. You seem pretty certain. Work for you did it ?
  3. just because be is a fat shithoose you shouldnt be ashamed
  4. Just as well he disnae like to fish. Is it possible to fish without drink? 6 hours sober sitting waiting for a wee bite from a fish would send anyone over the side of a boat. Sorry Ormond. On a Friday night i cant think of anything that disnae involve drink. Good luck though . You are a good friend.
  5. Hmmm. Do i tell Mr Tdyer63 about this or continue to plough our way through Sons of Anarchy this evening. I suppose after putting him through another double episode of Coronation st i should fess up.
  6. I hope you are wrong as I can only see that situation as bad for Scotland. I think many people currently only vote for Labour as a default as they are against independence but would never vote Tory. A 3 way split in Labour would dilute that support even further meaning the Conservatives would become the second party in Scotland for the foreseeable future. I may be a member of the SNP but I strongly believe all governments need to be held to account. I am not however convinced having the Tories as main oppostition is progress to a fairer society.
  7. Labour need to split. I cannot see any way forward for them at present. I was talking with 3 work colleagues the other day, all supposed Labour supporters. They were all critising Corbyn. One said ' no-one will work with him. He locks himself in a room and doesnt speak to anyone' ( yes really ) Another colleague said that the campaign againsnt him has really only started since the Eu referendum, as he was not vocal enough. Wtf ?? Only started since the Eu referendum? Have these people been living on the moon? They seem to think a new leader will change everything and Labour will become a big united love in once again. I tried to explain , that the ways things currently stand, the same problems are going to exist no matter who they elect. Its a bad day for Labour when the only person lending support to their leader is a member of the SNP.
  8. At the end of the day, and with the exception of the odd person who has genuinely just flipped, the vast majority of attacks are derived from hatred of some sort. It may not be a terrorist attack in the literal meaning of 'terrorist' but the attacks are more or less stemming from the same thing . We are living In a world where access to technoloogy should allow us to be more aware of each others differences and cultures and try to understand those differences, instead there seems to be more intolerance than ever. I have gone beyond getting angry at these in incidents. I have no idea what the answer is . Would it be better for nothing to be reported and the limelight be taken away from the perpetrators ? Would they get fed up . Not a chance in hell of this happening I know, but at the moment we are just feeding the frenzy .
  9. ? , my grill burn is still there . Plays havoc with my short boob tube . Good to know there is a sister Sav out there ??
  10. Sounds like a night at the Savoy . Is that place still in existence ? You are probably way too young to remember it right enough.
  11. You really have not seen my hair. Apparantley a swarm of 40,000 bees descended on a park in Glasgow yesterday. Think we are re-writing the bible.
  12. Well , its still boiling but at least its pishin down . Everyone happy now ? I have grown a second head of hair from the front door to the car.
  13. What a load of moaning minnies. Dont worry, it will be back to 10 degrees and yer duffel coat by the end of the week.
  14. I will repeat what i said a few days ago on another thread. A nuclear weapon is only a threat to the enemy if they think you will use it. Despite what Theresa May says there is nothing that convinces me this governernment would use it, that is probably the nicest compliment I could give the Tories. Its an abomination and complete waste of money.
  15. At least its a computer game that gets folk some exercise. Though i have absolutely no idea how it works. I still havent mastered Space Invaders.
  16. if i leave my corsets at home i should just about manage it
  17. Thats a cheery wee post. Can we wait till the end of October, I am booked to go to Turkey on holiday.
  18. Tommy Sheppard has thrown his hat in the ring for deputy leader. Wants to build alliances with people across all parties for Indyref2. I imagine he will be a decent opponent , a lot of new SNP members will like him. Could be a case of old guard vs new members.
  19. No , you are absolutely correct, there has been no confirmation. That is why is said ISIS/ terrorism, as in any kind of terrorism, i wasnt certain it was ISIS. But it is terrorism of that there is no doubt , and they are winning.
  20. In keeping with the football theme, ISIS/ terrorism really is France with western governments being Scotland. They are out manoevering intelligence services at every turn . Barely a week has passed since the end of the Euros and with security having no doubt dropped a peg they give a great big GIRUY to France on their very own Bastille Day. As an aside, all these attacks along with the shambolic post Eu referendum shennanigns has made me even more convinced that Trident must be binned. Total waste of money that could be better spent elsewhere plus a deterrent is only of use if the enemy think you will actualy use it . Given the Uk government are struggling to deal with a Brexit sutuation what are the chances of anyone having the balls to release a nuclear weapon.
  21. Everytime there is a terrorist attack in Western Europe /America there is the same arguement on here about the lack of grief for victims of attacks elsewhere. Sky news has covered nothing but this all day, I doubt the Baghdad attacks got anything similar. I would hope that the condemnation of this attack by the general public is more to do with the wall to wall coverage they are fed by the news and not because of the colour of someone's skin. And whilst sympathy should go to any country that suffers an attack, France really has had more than its fair share, for want of a better phrase. I do not agree with all the extreme outpouring of grief, but the alternative , to be desensitised to all these deaths, is worse.
  22. Check out the baby in red in the background at 1 min 10 ?
  23. I dont if anyones employer offer them the chance to buy extra holidays but if they do it is well worth considering. My employers are now offering this and i bought 10 days this year. It starts at the beginnning of the tax year and the cost is spread over 12 months. I honestly hardly noticed the difference in my april salary from march salary due to an increase in the personal allowance and my tax being less as i was earning less. I have a huge amount of respect for anyone changing careers . A few years ago my mum collapsed suddenly and was in hospital for over 2 months , a fulll month of that in intensive care. Never thought she would pull through but she did , I know this sounds like a cliche but I felt so indebted to the nurses, they were truly fantastic. I work in the finance industry and I felt my job was complete and utter shit. It helps no-one. I could have done something about my career at that point but I never , i just stayed with the money. I am still in a job that provides very little satisfaction. So good luck to all of you that have , or are considering , a change. Dont be stuck in a job you hate for 40 years.
  24. I have been sent a standard email by the organisers as i usually buy my daughter a ticket each year but she bought her own this year so they think I never went. They are asking why i never went. I am gonna cut and paste your post. Will have no impact whatsoever on its own but if enough people show similar grievances it may give them food for thought. Maybe not enough to get you back but for future festival goers. My daughter came back from TiTP early Monday morning. Her pals dad had driven up late Sunday night to save them spending another night in the rain. When the festival finished it took almost 4 hours for them to get from the campsite to the car park due to the shambolic organisation, plus the rain probably didnt help. She was completely pissed off. Not as pissed off as the poor dad right enough. He had been sitting there from 10.30pm. My husband would have buggered off at 11pm. She is going to Benniccassim tomorrow so will hopefully fare better.
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