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  1. This guy is listed as a director. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/c38bd692-377f-11e4-bd0a-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3m0KRf2H6 http://ukdatacentre.co.uk/person/179885/Mr+Alastair+James+Cameron http://ukdatacentre.co.uk/company/SC492324/SCOTLAND+IN+UNION Sounds like a ragtag bunch of tory BT types, but no doubt being funded by someone.
  2. Is that a verbatim account of is it your interpretation of what she said?
  3. Salmond's tack on QT where Labour is concerned will be working together to oppose austerity and trident while also highlighting that to be electable Corbyn has to win in England.
  4. Heard an interesting story recently about an English club that laced the breakfast of a couple of high earners that they wanted off the payroll with coke.
  5. Next caller up Dr Scott Arthur. Have they got all the BT zoomers on speed dial.
  6. And he's back on. Needless to say he doesn't think there should be another referendum and some people have fallen out with him.
  7. Looked it up on IMDB, Cheggers was in it as well!
  8. I remember being taken to see that with the school English dept as well. Doesn't Francesca Annis get her kit off as well?
  9. There's a very interesting point in there. Corbyn and the Labour left's powerbase is no longer in the North of England, Wales or Scotland but in London. That's your actual London and not the Westmister bubble. One commentator yesterday described London as almost like a different country and he was right. London's demographics and problems are largely different from the rest of England. Immigration doesn't play itself out in the same way it does elsewhere, affordable housing is a much more major problem and the difference between rich and poor is starker there than anywhere in the country. Corbyn talks about the social cleansing of London and he is spot on there. Now clearly Corbyn's support came from all over the country but I'm unsure how policies that play well in London will go down in the Midlands, the North West of England or Wales. Scotland is largely irrelevant in this as politics in Scotland will be defined by the constitution until such time as that's settled.
  10. Was the councillor involved in the decision over the purchase of the land? Did she make clear her conflict of interest? Was the school built on the wrong site or was the choice of location controversial?
  11. Martinez obviously didn't fancy him much going into the game either.
  12. When Cameron was leader of the opposition he used to regularly cycle from his house in Notting Hill to Westminster. Only problem was that he used to have a car following him with his suit in it.
  13. aaid

    France 98

    Best night ever? It's certainly up there, that's for sure. Fantastic atmosphere in the Place de la Republique where they had a bar representing every nation playing in Bordeaux during the group stages. Needless to say the Scotland bar wasn't getting much trade due to the quality of the alternatives. I remember Adie leading the march round the square. He was right at the front, then two young guys jumped in with a Saltire ahead of him. Cue the hilarious sight of Adie's wee legs going twenty to the dozen to get back to the front again, then the young guys running ahead, and on, and on. It's Alan Davies you mean and I think he says that's one of his greatest nights ever as well.
  14. aaid

    Islam Feruz

    And Spain went on to be World and European champions, they are better than we are. My point was its a bit ridiculous slagging off the only age group in the last thirty years that has actually delivered regular full internationals and holding it up as an example of how the system isn't working.
  15. aaid

    Islam Feruz

    I'd say that the return from the 2006 team is pretty good. Snodgrass, Fletcher and Wallace would have been regular squad members for the last 4-5 years and would have had had a lot more caps than they currently do in normal circumstances. Dorrans has struggled for form a bit due to external issues and I'm sure he would also have featured more often but for that. If you get 2 or 3 players from an age group team going on to become regular full internationals then you are doing well. That group overdelivered. The Spanish squad that beat us in the final only had two players that went on to play regularly for Spain, mind you, they were Gerald Pique and Juan Mata.
  16. I'd say Carmichael has scuppered Tavish Scott and Liam McArthur's chances of being re-elected.
  17. I don't see any correlation whatsoever, the two things are completely different. For example, on the far left you will have people who eschew all flavours of nationalism. They will see themselves as internationalists, would baulk at being called a nationalist and would generally believe in principle in uncontrolled migration. Some of these would have voted Yes because they would see independence as a means to an end. On the other hand, some would have voted No as they would see Nationalism as dangerous. Then you have the confused Labour Party, as examplied by Andy "Im against all types of Nationalism but I'll fight to defend the UK" Burnham. There are also ethnic Nationalists who are essentially Xenophobic who would have voted Yes. There are a few on these pages.
  18. The Republic of Ireland is not a foreign country under British law though. Ireland Act 1949.
  19. To clarify. We were laughing as it's one of those questions that you just don't ask. Not in a loadsamoney type of way.
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