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Everything posted by EvilScotsman

  1. Did you not know nurses (and other public sector workers) are responsible for all the ills visited on those who work for minimum wage in the private sector? Maybe the govt should sack more nurses and use the extra cash to spend more on tax credits in order to subsidise private sector wages.
  2. 783 million people do not have access to clean water on a regular basis. Get a grip and stop bemoaning the minimum wage.
  3. More unequal that Britain will become following the next round of austerity after the GE? That would be the appropriate measure, I'd suggest.
  4. According to wiki: "Rangers forward, David Templeton was named after Cooper by his father, ex pro Henry Templeton. David Templeton's full name is David Cooper Templeton."
  5. It's a horrible night to be a barman. Office parties, folk who don't buy rounds, folk who can't remember their round, having to refuse folk service 10x more than usual etc etc. None of the bastards tip either.
  6. This would make sense if he'd have given any indication of being a Labour voter/supporter.
  7. That's a Yorkshire/Lancashire thing. Along with grown men calling each other 'love' - takes some getting used to!
  8. So it is - silly me! I'd assumed it was the organisation which accredited Yankee lawyers, but stand corrected.
  9. The witness statements vary wildly in the events which they describe (as posted by phart above). Some agree with most of the policeman's account, some with parts of it, some seem to contradict it all. I guess it's only natural when witnessing something like that. They certainly don't all describe similar events to Brant's (succinct) description, which is what I highlighted - what he seems to have done is summarised the policeman's account of what happened, while ignoring the contradictory witness statements. I've no idea who Bob McCulloch is, by the way. This guy? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/24/bob-mcculloch-ferguson_n_6215986.html The St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney seems a likely choice if you're looking for impartial opinion on this topic..... A decision which has been questioned by that bastion of radical thinking, the American Bar Association.
  10. I don't think Ayr want a replay - that's a better result than we'll get at the moment, the way we're playing by all accounts....
  11. I don't see how they could refuse to sell tickets to people giving Irish addresses? There must be a fair number of Scots living over there.
  12. It is possibly two teams better suited to soaking up pressure than to breaking opponents down. I'm really looking forward to it!
  13. Like others, I was mercifully unaware of this. Unlike others, I'm sensible enough not to subject myself to it!
  14. It's the same thing - FUTebal de SALao. Never played it, but one thing I do know about it: the rules used to state that you could not play the ball while your hand was on the ground, but they had to change it as there was a huge amount of arm and shoulder injuries due to players not putting their hands down when falling over.
  15. Surely the implication of the words "one of the main contenders" for Scottish leadership is that Sarah Boyack (or Jim Murphy) is an also-ran in the race?
  16. "the roundabout provides a better throughput of traffic than other designs and has an excellent safety record, since traffic moves too slowly to do serious damage in the event of a collision." Excellent. Don't design a sensible road system, but make sure you cock it up enough that people have to crawl round it!
  17. The last US President to go into his final 2 years with a friendly Senate was Jimmy Carter.
  18. None of the 4 parties who'll be represented at the leaders' debates field candidates in Northern Ireland.
  19. I'm not questioning the technology, just wondering how far into this Orwellian nightmare you'd be willing to go!
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