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Boiler Law Changes In Scotland - Help

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A friend was telling me something about changes to gas boiler rules in Scotland from next year, something about boilers not installed on an exterior wall.

Anyone know anything? My boiler is in middle of flat. Does it need moved? Any grants available? - been told some grants are available but friend didn't know details

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A friend was telling me something about changes to gas boiler rules in Scotland from next year, something about boilers not installed on an exterior wall.

Anyone know anything? My boiler is in middle of flat. Does it need moved? Any grants available? - been told some grants are available but friend didn't know details

Ask your supplier - they'll probably know.

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Thanks. If 'it' applies to replacements, does anyone have a link to 'it'? Can't find anything via Google.

Boiler probably needs replaced in next year or two

I'm not certain, but I'd think any replacement boiler therefore needs to comply with the new regulations.

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