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  1. Sturgeon’s Nonce Party. The double standard is very obvious. Fuck the SNP.
  2. Saw this on Craig Murray's recent article. I missed it at the time.
  3. As the verdict rules on the Johnny Depp defamation case I predict him to win. I back him for the reasons as follows. Just like I backed the verdict of the impartial 15 person majority female jury in the Alex Salmond conspiracy. Like British Diplomat, Rector of Dundee University, friend of Julien Assange and Wikileaks, Ambassador Craig Murray – Scotland’s political prisoner – “who went to jail in order to expose the fact that Alex Salmond was being framed on false charges, orchestrated within the Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s office and testified to by perjury committed by individuals very close to Sturgeon, who made fake claims of molestation.” - Read Craig Murray’s sworn affidavit here - I support the Me Too Movement’s story that Amber Heards allegations are all to common. Which is why I back my sisters – women, adult human females - who are statistically the most vulnerable group in society. Read here - I support legislation that would criminalise the purchase of sex and the decriminalisation of the sale of sex, like Sweden – not currently supported by the Scottish Government. I believe that this model of legislation would offer protections to the most vulnerable group in society protections from predatory abusive males. And why I also hold the same beliefs of the majority of Scotland – as polled by Panelbase - For Women For Scotland’s campaign for rights to single sex spaces and organisations. I don’t believe that anyone - gay straight or bisexual – should be told that their body or personality in how they wish to express themselves needs changing in order for them to be happy. Read Panelbase polling here. I respect that 99.9 per cent of the time, sexual violence and domestic abuse are perpetrated by males who are biologically stronger and who commit different crimes from women. But I believe that some women are prepared to tell anything. The unpleasant truth is that some women would be prepared to destroy a man’s reputation in order to obtain money. This happens often in respect of wealthy footballers for example. High profile males are often trialled by tabloid media and deemed guilty before being later proven as innocent in the courts. I believe if Johnny Depp wins his defamation case, I believe it will give males a Me Too Movement. A voice which I believe is equally as important as the female Me Too Movement to the small minority of men. I will respect the verdict of the Jury. And I believe that the reputation of the legal system in the United States will be come out as enhanced by the outcome. 😉
  5. For those of you interested the satirical piece is still posted on Craig Murray's website.
  6. Here is a couple of 'key phrases' to look up for next time you journalist jailing ****. Off and Fuck. 😀 To be fair I posted all Craig Murrays articles on here... with the help from a few tambers. Read them all here!
  7. Alex Salmond and the European Court, Craig Murray: "I went to jail in order to expose the fact that Alex Salmond was being framed on false charges, orchestrated within the Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s office and testified to by perjury committed by individuals very close to Sturgeon, who made fake claims of molestation. They were seen right through by a largely female jury."
  8. No doubt some folk will think that Craig Murray is a "paid agent of the Russians"
  9. In particular, @thplinth I presume you've read Craig Murray yesterday?
  10. Just a small part of the establishment.
  11. Might be worthwhile quoting the latest Craig Murray article again here... Bypassing the Road Block 226 April 23, 2021 in Uncategorized by craig I almost never write about somebody else’s article, but this from Barrhead Boy sums up exactly how I feel today. 80% by readership of the pro-Independence new media has been disillusioned by the current SNP leadership to the point of turning against it. Peter Bell, Barrhead Boy, Robin McAlpine, James Kelly, Jeggit, Stuart Campbell, Iain Lawson, and me – I could go on with a dozen more – these were the writers to whom pro-Independence people turned in their hundreds of thousands to escape from the diet of unionist propaganda they were fed from the BBC and papers. These bloggers and independent journalists were, along with the All Under One Banner marches, the heartbeat of Independence. The SNP notably was not that – it had effectively banned discussion of Independence. Long term readers will recall I was even blocked by Murrell from holding a fringe meeting on Independence – when a delegate – at SNP conference, but told I could hold one on another subject. The bloggers I name are all people who have dedicated their recent lives almost entirely to the cause of Scottish Independence. The 2014 Yes campaign was primarily a street movement, reinforced by bloggers and with real public meetings all over Scotland. I believe only Robin McAlpine spoke at more meetings during the Indyref campaign than I did, and I believe since 2014 nobody has given more speeches and talks on Independence than I. To alienate such dedicated people is astonishing. How has it happened? Well, the fact that the SNP leadership has won the adoration of the Guardian while losing the support of pro-Independence new media says it all. That is sufficient explanation. There are differences between the pro-Independence bloggers I name, in the extent to which they were SNP members or not, but they have one thing in common. Everybody on that list – along with the leadership of AUOB – has come to doubt the genuine intent of the current SNP leadership to achieve Independence. The adoration goes both ways it seems.
  12. Ahhh yes the very strange incident on the train that Gordon Jackson can't even remember happening. aaid getting desperate now... but smearers gotta smear. “I wasn’t speaking to a stranger on a train but I don’t know who it was,” he said. “I can’t remember the conversation. I’m clearly talking to someone I knew and who knew me but they have never come forward. If it was a pal you would expect them to say, ‘That was me’.” So we have no idea of the context of the conversation. But also we should be very suspicious about how it was obtained, edited and manipulated. Craig Murray touches on this but he is legally hamstrung in what he can reveal. I cannot begin to imagine how evil you have to be to attempt falsely to convict someone of that most vicious, most unforgivable of crimes – rape. But it is impossible to have followed the trial, still more impossible to know the evidence that the judge ruled inadmissible as collateral, without forming the view that this was a deliberate, a most wicked, conspiracy to fit him up on these charges. Furthermore it was a conspiracy that incorporated almost the entire Establishment – a conspiracy that included a corrupt Scottish Government, a corrupt Crown Office, a corrupt Scottish Police and an uniformly corrupt media. Coverage of the trial was a disgrace. The most salacious accusations of the odious prosecutor were selected and magnified into massive headlines. The defence witnesses were almost totally ignored and unreported. The entire stream of evidence from credible witnesses that disproved the prosecution case in its entirety was simply never presented in the papers, still less on radio and TV. A great deal of that evidence proved that prosecution witnesses were not merely mistaken, but had been deliberately and coldly lying. Let us consider the lead accusation, that of attempted rape. I want you honestly to consider whether or not this should have been brought before the court. Woman H claimed that Salmond attempted to rape her after a small dinner with Alex Salmond, an actor (the publication of whose name the court banned), and Ms Samantha Barber, a company director. Salmond gave evidence that the entire story was completely untrue and the woman had not even been there that evening. Samantha Barber gave evidence that she knows woman H well, had been a guest at her wedding reception, and that woman H had phoned and asked her to attend the dinner with the specific explanation she could not be there herself. Indeed, affirmed Ms Barber, woman H definitely was not there. She had given that firm evidence to the police. Against that, there was a vague statement by the actor that he believed a fourth person had been present, but he described her hair colour as different to woman H, described her as wearing jeans when woman H said she was wearing a dress, and did not say the woman had her arm in a sling – which it was established woman H’s arm was at that time. One arm in a sling would be pretty debilitating in eating and the sort of detail about a fellow diner at a very small dinner party you would likely remember. Given the very firm statement from Samantha Barber, her friend, that woman H was definitely not there, a number of lawyers and police officers with whom I have discussed this have all been perplexed that the charge was brought at all, with such a strong witness to rebut it, given that the police were relying on an extremely tentative identification from the actor (who did not appear in court to be cross-examined). The truth is, as the jury found, that woman H was not physically there when she said the incident took place. Woman H had lied. More importantly, the evidence available to the police and prosecutor fiscal showed that there was never any realistic prospect of conviction. So why was the charge brought? You might also wish to consider this. While the jury was considering its verdict, two members of the jury were removed. Here I know more than I can legally say at present. That might be put together with the chance that somebody was tailing Alex Salmond’s defence counsel and video recording his conversation on a train. If you look at the recording, it is obvious that if it were being taken with a mobile phone, that act of recording would have been very plainly visible to Mr Jackson. It appears far more likely this was done with a concealed device, possibly routed through a mobile phone for purposes of metadata. I only have definite good source information on MI5 involvement in the attempt to dredge up charges at Edinburgh airport. While I have no direct evidence the juror expulsion or the Jackson tape were underlain by security service surveillance, I am very suspicious given the knowledge that MI5 were engaged in the witch-hunt. Which of course also begs the question that if any of the alleged incidents inside Bute House were true, the state would by now have produced the MI5 or GCHQ/NSA recordings to prove it (claiming they were sourced from elsewhere). Salmond has been considered by them a threat to the UK state for decades, and not only over Scottish Independence. I also ask you to consider who has been, and who has not been, persecuted. Alex Salmond stood in the dock facing total ruin. The conspirators have faced not even questioning about their collusion.
  13. You believe she tried to prevent them? Oh dear... I guess you missed this... Made in the First Minister’s Office 264 August 18, 2020 in Uncategorized by craig The first piece of evidence came out at the Holyrood Inquiry today which I have known for the last year but had not been allowed to tell you. The drafting of the new complaints procedure so that it could be used to fit up Alex Salmond was NOT a unionist scheme hatched in Whitehall and implemented by Leslie Evans, a UK civil servant. I have seen fellow SNP members give themselve false comfort with the idea it was Whitehall and not Nicola; I have tried gently to explain they are wrong, without ever being able to produce the evidence, although I had it. This is the first morsel of a very great deal of evidence that is going to come out. The adoption of a new complaints procedure that permitted retrospective complaints against former ministers was in fact cooked up between Leslie Evans and Nicola Sturgeon. LONDON ADVISED AGAINST IT. The Cabinet Office strongly advised that it would be “unwise” to allow retrospective action against ex-ministers. Nicola and Evans decided to plough ahead and implement the policy against London’s advice. They must have had a strong motive for that. Evans denied today that the policy was designed against Alex Salmond. I certainly do not believe her, and there is much more to come. This is the evidence of Leslie Evans that confirmed this today. As I say, I had known this a long while but was not able to reveal it as I was pledged to confidence. The emails before the committee show indisputably in writing the Cabinet Office advice against the retrospective complaints policy. This is the first piece in a jigsaw, but it is a key piece. I have seen enough other pieces, too, to have no doubt at all of the final picture. Video Player 00:00 01:27 I cannot tell you how desperately I wish all of this was not true. I cannot tell you how desperately I wish the plot against Alex Salmond had indeed all been made in Whitehall. I cannot tell you how much I have hated the fact that my knowledge of Nicola’s plot against Alex has alienated me from so many fellow SNP members I worked alongside during the 2014 campaign. I do hope that scales are at least beginning now to drop from some eyes. Put this together with Nicola’s insistence there can be no Independence without a referendum, and there must be no referendum without Westminster permission and a S30 order. Put this together with Nicola’s insistence that even discussion of Independence is off the agenda until after Covid and its economic consequences are past. Put this together with the NEC blocking of Joanna Cherry – which Sturgeon and Murrell were definitely behind. Put this together, if I may, with the attempt to jail me for writing this blog. All they had to do was follow the advice given and none of this would ever have happened to Salmond. NS and Evans overruled that to specifically allow retrospective claims despite being explicitly advised against it by Westminster. If they had wanted to prevent this that was their golden opportunity. They went out of their way to do the exact opposite. Almost immediately the accusations were made against Salmond. They did not try to prevent, they went out their way to enable it. I am sorry Loon but you are living in a dream world when it comes to NS.
  14. Just in case anybody has missed all the BBC reporting of this. Craig Murray is still covering the hearing on a daily basis.
  15. Reading the account of the stalinist show trial of Julian Assange on Craig Murray's website is shocking. That magistrate is something else... Yet only one written question from 650 MPs. It is pretty disgusting to witness. The guy is getting outrageously railroaded and not one MP is standing up for him it seems.
  16. I saw the video a few years back as well. Clarence Mitchell is the guy you're thinkng of he was a Tony Blair Spin Doctor who quit his job to become the McCanns spin doctor. He also worked for Clement freud who invited the McCanns for dinner Craig Murray on Freud Tonnes of stuff about the case don't add up and this Peter Hyatt seems credible to me, it's crazy how much information you can glean in different facets of information theory, there's a fiction book called Cryptonomicon which is based around this sort of stuff and till i read it i had no idea of the efficacy of it.
  17. Maybe they have been reading Craig Murray?
  18. Craig Murray brought this up the day before so maybe they copied him. He is open that he is just speculating. Someone is going to make an absolute mint out of this be sure. Corruption and the tories go hand in hand.
  19. Anybody interested in freedom of speech might be interested in this.
  20. This judge in the Assange case... wow. And again where are the mainstream media. It is really shocking. This is making the al-Megrahi trial look top notch in comparison. CIA Spying on Assange’s Privileged Legal Conversations 125 15 Apr, 2020 in Uncategorized by craig Here is an image of Julian and I talking in the Ecuadorean Embassy, part of the spycam footage that was commissioned by the CIA from Spanish security firm Global. Julian and I were discussing a number of overseas missions to liaise with foreign governments, which I was carrying out on his behalf. (Incidentally can anybody explain why the precise image you see there is an image which does not appear at any stage when you run the video? I am not even hinting at anything suspicious, just technically interested). Having been on the inside and knowing their capabilities, I have always assumed that the security services know everything I say and do, so I cannot claim this comes as a great shock or that my behaviour would have been much altered had I known. The shadowing on those overseas trips was unsubtle in any case, more of a warning off than attempt at covert surveillance. As anyone who has read my books will realise, I have always rather enjoyed the more shadowy elements, with me since my former profession. During a visit to Washington in September 2016 which has become somewhat infamous, for fun I entered an establishment of low repute and spent an afternoon giving out free flash drives with my tips to various young ladies and barmen, just to give the FBI lots of particularly wild geese to chase. I have wondered occasionally whether subsequent embarrassment is connected to Robert Mueller’s lack of desire to accept my evidence. (If you have no idea what I am talking about do not worry, you haven’t missed much and just skip this para). While I am gently rambling away, I might add that it was most amusing to be portrayed as a housebound obsessive blogger by MSM journalists attacking me on Twitter over my Salmond coverage: that is attacked by MSM journalists who have never done anything in their life except copy and paste the odd establishment press release and pick up fat pay cheques from their billionaire owners. There is however a point to this post. As the ABC news item above shows, Julian’s privileged conversations with his lawyers on his legal defence were being spied on, by the government which is now seeking to extradite him. In any jurisdiction in the civilised world, that should be enough immediately to bring proceedings to a halt. The first witnesses to be called when the hearing resumes are the witnesses who will attest to this. The defence have requested an adjournment of the case beyond May 18, because at present they have no access to their client due to Covid 19 lockdown in the jail, and because it is not at all clear witnesses will be able to travel from abroad by 18 May. Judge Vanessa Baraitser has refused to reschedule. It is also worth asking why has nothing like that ABC coverage been seen on the BBC or Sky, where this case is actually being heard and Julian is a prisoner? With grateful thanks to those who donated or subscribed to make this reporting possible. This article is entirely free to reproduce and publish, including in translation, and I very much hope people will do so actively. Truth shall set us free.
  21. Interesting stuff.
  22. And an interpretation from Craig Murray, some things not in the mainstream reporting of the trial
  23. This is kinda how I felt at the start of the outbreak. I am now starting to think it's going to be more serious than I had thought at that time. I'm not sure if it is because of the media coverage warping my brain or because it's getting closer to home. Or, maybe it's just that the numbers are stacking up? Panic buying of toilet rolls is a mighty weird response though. WTF? I'm away to stock up on baked beans and pasta. I'm not sure how many months worth to get though?
  24. I don't know much about US politics but I thought this was interesting.
  25. Indeed Craig Murray's view
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