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Everything posted by gonzoal

  1. I didn't get as far as reading the list in detail because in his introduction he makes the big mistake that all critics of people still being active make. He talks in terms of the 45 and the 55 and the implication that those who voted NO are happy with the union as it is. How many that voted no did so because devo max (or whatever you want to call it) was not an option at that point? By all accounts before the vote, this was the majority, so if you add those who voted no who wanted more to the 45 then this is the current majority that is being ignored by the media - they only go on about "you lost so get over it". Do many of those who wanted independence or devo max (or believed Brown's as near Home Rule as possible" or "federalism") really believe the Smith Commission proposals come anywhere near this? That is what it is about now and that is what people like Hassan should be writing about - not telling us how long it is since the referendum. They should be asking how long it will be before we get anything near what we were promised and questioniing any politician who repeats "the vow has been delivered" when feck all has been delivered but a fecking report, and one which, if it is implemented, will deliver feck all compared to what the "vow" promised.
  2. There seem to be a few variations that last for about 3 weeks. I'm (hopefully) on my last week now. Just thole it, man.
  3. So that will be why we spend more on public services than they are south of the border then? And if it had been true, then where the feck would that have put Labour FFS?
  4. But, similar to income tax, anything we make from Crown Estates is less for the Sovereign Grant. "Responsibility for financing the Sovereign Grant will need to reflect this revised settlement for the Crown Estate." Para 95 is what tells you that the whole thing is basically meaningless in terms of ability to effect real change: "No detriment as a result of the decision to devolve further power: the Scottish and UK Governments’ budgets should be no larger or smaller simply as a result of the initial transfer of tax and/or spending powers, before considering how these are used. (a) This means that the initial devolution and assignment of tax receipts should be accompanied by a reduction in the block grant equivalent to the revenue forgone by the UK Government, and that future growth in the reduction to the block grant should be indexed appropriately." ie what you make with one hand we will take away with both hands.
  5. Can't forget hearing John Beatty (an accountant before going into rugby and broadcasting) saying the day after the referendum that it was self-evident (or words to that effect) amongst economists/accountants etc that cutting corporation tax was an accepted way of generating money. I remember it because he had said not a dicky bird about this before the vote when the unionists were all using it as a way of saying it was a payment to big business.
  6. I'd go for one, maybe two or three
  7. Why pick on him? What about Mulgrew? Stupid decison to take his man out totally unnecessarily led to the free kick that gave them a goal. Then for the last he peels off his man inside the box and allows him to cut the ball back to Rooney. If he'd kept his run going maybe he'd have been in a position to block the cut back, maybe not, but when he peeled off him he was in the middle of nowhere, covering nobody and doing nothing.
  8. Same as Friday, the pipes did the intro bit at the right speed but then when the singalong bit started they slowed down. Even the fkn players were singing faster than the band was playing last night.
  9. The only problem with that is "substantial new powers".
  10. She was a total chancer re buses back into town after the game. Booze ban? total disaster only cos it never happened and those of us planning for it ended up totally jaked. Come 2.30 - only coke in cardboard coke cups available - American coke, Irish Coke, Russian Coke, Scottish coke, Cuban coke........ The only time I've ever cuddled a carabinieri!
  11. How do you hold your wife when you're throttling your kid with her?
  12. the chunts kept telling us we already had full powers over our NHS - what are they proposing now re this?
  13. I agree with tartan12. At first I was gutted and thought how the hell can we sing that line again? Since then events and the atmosphere have got me thinking of course we can be a nation again.
  14. AllyC, your point is? I was initially not up for singing it any more but seeing how things have developed in the days since I believe it is a statement of where we are now and where we are undoubtedly going - just maybe not as fast as some of us would have liked. I'll keep on singing it.
  15. Tossup between Laphroaig 18 year old or a wee bottle of Johnny Walker Blue. If it comes out right then maybe both.
  16. Should ask them what number makes it intimidation cos they have been so bothered by the previous demonstrations at Pacific Quay that they haven't even fkn reported them.
  17. check out The Lancet and the Herald's Referendum pages. There's a couple of articles there on TTIP and the implications for Scotland's NHS. Reverse the argument - ask them, if we were an independent country today and soekmone suggested a merger where we gave all our money to London for them to decide how much they gave us back, but we'd have to put WMD's 30 miles from our biggest city - and then list all these kind of things - then ask them if they'd choose to do that. if they don't want to then why vote anything but yes?
  18. Thanks. It was the Norway one I was missing.
  19. Does anyone have a note of what the last 10 away games were? The bit on the SSC site that showed your points used to show all the games in order but now just seems to show only the ones you've attended. Cheers.
  20. in a way yes, but at the same time there were two or three other occasions when the ball was kicked away - and by the team not behind - so lack of consistency in booking this particular kick
  21. I have seen international opinion that we should get back the areas that Dewar let Blair steal from us. Can't remember who, though, it was a while ago.
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