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About bigfathagiz

  • Birthday 01/13/1910

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    Anything outdoors and praying Scotland dinny get hammerrrrd

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  1. BBC showed the famous clip of him saying you canny win the league with kids !!! kicking the guy while he is down. What is going on in the journalists heedz when they do something like that? The writer should be sacked for writing it, editor sacked for allowing it, and staff sacked for not questioning it.....sickening.
  2. who are the people looking for escaped goats? apart from throwing the first one in the net, then pushing the header into the middle of the six yard box causing a sending off and penalty, then his feeble attempt to stop the one that was thankfully disallowed, and apart from his weak hand that let a underpowered shot from sneaking in, and as well as his rubbish distribution i thought he had an alright game. p.s he was not the worst Hanley was rubbish, mcgregor rubbish and clarks decision making was dreadful. Why play most of second half without a striker then bring one on with about 8 minutes to go the guy is a fool. most managers would have taken Tierney off for McKenna put Robertson at left back went 441 and possibly changed McGregor for Gilmour and Adams for fresh legs that being Conway or Shankland, Clark is tactically inept always has been hence the reason he has never managed a top club side, having a good reputation as a number two or coach does not make you a good manager as for Killie he got lucky.
  3. only kiddin i would play 442 with zander clark with back four of Hendry McKenna McCrorie and Robertson midfield of forrest mcginn gilmour and morgan with conway and shankland up front......reasoning is Gunn was hopeless, McCrorie best position is centre half and Hanley is too slow, too old, and finished should not have been in the squad, Hendry has played right back and is solid in that position, to score we need width penetration and a scoring threat we need wingers and strikers. Nay point holding back.
  4. Gordon Hickey Soutter Neilson Robertson........Doak Ferguson Gauld Fraser..........Stewart, Conway subs goalie McCrorie...Doig, Bates, Mayo, Patterson, Cairney, Mebude, Burke, Nesbitt, Hardie, Murray, McBurnie, Murray etc etc etc
  5. ""well there are a few questions on line up I disagree with"". Shankland always fit scored in last game works really hard for team possibly better option than Adams., Soutter sent home but has 42 appearences this season with 8 in Europe he was fit. Grant Hanley a handful of appearences mostly unfit all season and about 7 years older than Souter came on and was garbage. Gilmour should have started. My main issue is after we go 2 nil down no tactical changes or subs, after 3 the same, and why play most of second half without a striker then bring Shankland on for last ten minutes when team are shattered? After 2 or three nil most managers would have taken off either Robertson or Tierney for a centre half then the other guy (robbo or tierney) would slot in at left back with a 441 set up with a change in midfield to accomodate Gilmour and possibly changing to Shankland or Conway for a bit of variety up front Clarks tactics were shyte.
  6. Watched it in the stadium, when Germany scored their 3rd goal a german fan gave me a cuddle and offered me a swig of something from a funny shaped hip flask it looked like a mini water bottle, I think it was Jagermeister. When it got to 4 I left to go back to hotel for a swally with ma pals, I'm OK with result I suppose I was expecting it. At age 59 I dinny get overly optimistic nay matter what Naveed says. Hope the guy from milguy wizznay greetin and dizznay faw aff hiz bike gaun Canny wait for the swiss game anybody up for a rendition of we're gonny deep fry yur choklit deep fry yur choklit.
  7. hallandeatingcrispswhileDykesismixingitwithEuropeselite
  8. I managed to get 2 tkts from my brother in law who works as a London cab driver 70 quid each, me and mate from work heading down I don't know why, I suppose i'm a glutton for punishment. Anyhow he advised against wearing kilt as there are some dodgy security guys around who will just call for back up and refuse you entry if they have slightest reason. I have been to two recent Scotland England games at Wembley with a guy who does not talk to me anymore I think I pissed him off because I kept leaving him on his own, last time being the 2-2 draw at Hampden when I decided I would rather watch game in the pub with friends and family as he was drinking too much, wee shame his loss on a tkt for this one. The Wembley game we missed the first 20 minutes and Lambert scored the winner the second one I left after England's 1st goal before half time Sturridge I think it was, so not sure why I am even doing this suppose I can only hope for a win. As for the auld mate if he reads this and wants to buy my tkt he can get on his bike.
  9. marshall patterson hanley gallacher robertson forrest mginn gilmour fraser nisbett adams
  10. Scotland TV programs are just garbage, only an excuse this year was the same as all the other years 95% garbage but you still watch it whilst pished hoping for that we nugget of laughter and when you find it your doubled up, tears streaming down the face whilst eating shortbread drinking whisky and waiting for the bells. I have been sober now for 14 months and every new year prior to 2020 I would howl with laughter at that shyte whilst being pisht. I suppose everything seems so much funnier when you have had a few, I suppose that's why its only on when everybody is drunk. Last year being sober I realised it was just awful, this year was no different. As for Calman why is she oan the telly?
  11. Scotland is stunning anybody wanting to explore let me know, I have been all over every isle from Shetland to Arran fished for Salmon, cod, plaice, sea trout every wee fish that is swimming in the sea.....people called Colin need not apply.
  12. Anyhow it was a shit result.....are you trying to say that the formation was the best The Glorious Mighty Scotland The Brave can come up with? Just to sit and defend ....with no fight, no forward thinking, no crossing the border into the other teams space, just sit there like lame ducks to be we were?
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