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Everything posted by KirkieRobRoy

  1. We're torture to watch under Pedro.
  2. If you average out our three group opponents, you basically get Austria. They'd be a good shout.
  3. Rachel's ragin'. Get stuck right in, Rachel. Illness means I can't go tonight. It would be brilliant to win because we'd not just be beating the dreary Lionesses, but also their unfailing cheerleaders the BBC, the conniving English FA and that boggin concept TEAMGEEBEE.
  4. Re Humza Yousaf. Anyone who has ever been responsible for transport under the SNP at Holyrood should be discounted. Despite transport's crucial role in fulfilling NS's climate pledges, the Transport portfolio has become the SG equivalent of being sent to the back of the class with crayons and sugar paper. Forbes is great but screamy secularists in politics and media would never forgive her for being Free Kirk.
  5. Something is wrong at the heart of the group, at least since the Argentina capitulation.
  6. You can also get English commentary on the telly through that lovable old technology, the red button. But I hope to be able to go on Toosday. Weather can't be as terrible again, can it?
  7. It's a nightmare creation from FIFA, that. Women did well to see it out but seven minutes from time was a bit early to start the corner-flagging. Austria looked out on their feet anyway.
  8. Tempting to just sacrifice the ticket and watch ITV4 rather than attempt to get home by public transport on a weeknight. I know.
  9. SFA way out of touch. What exactly is good about this idea?
  10. Ah, good, TheSaint seems to have gone. Not sure what to expect from this. Unpredictable how we'll perform and the same goes for Ukr. A boring 1-0 win without too many scares will do me fine. And just to annoy TheSaint if he comes back, I hope the match promotes excellent Scotland-Ukr relations that continue long after we beat them.
  11. The BBC heaves a sigh of relief as what's left of Liz arrives in London and they can stop pretending to give a monkey's about Scotland or having to pronounce their silly place names.
  12. I think Eck was a monarchist when he could talk racing with the incumbent. Maybe not so much now.
  13. Notwithstanding the behaviour of the odd drunk idiot, that's not exactly a bad thing, is it?
  14. I think that's a very thought-provoking and measured analysis of the way things have gone. I wish the Beeb could interview you on telly. One reason, though, I'd add for the lack of either Union Jackery or Saltiredom in the Edinburgh crowds is that inevitably, in Edinburgh, many of them are tourists from abroad. What a bonus for their hols! 'We went to Edinburgh and saw the British Queen being dead'!
  15. I'm a bad person. I just loved the BBC seethe at the DQ.
  16. 1-0 surely not enough but they played some surprisingly good stuff.
  17. The cut Duncan Scott's medal ceremony before the anthem. So that the all-English studio panel, all four of them, could talk about stuff. There was no urgent need to leave.
  18. Greetin' at McColgan's win and also when the BBC so far forgot themselves as to show her medal ceremony and anthem. Those of you not watching are missing some horrendous BBC bias in the coverage.
  19. Kenny Mcintyre sounds like someone presenting an Old Firm Stuff programme on Clyde 1 and perhaps believes he is.
  20. If we can clone Caroline Weir nine times we might be in the mix.
  21. The thing for us to reflect on is that just three years ago our lasses gave the tiresome Lionesses a good game, but while they've gone on to win this, we've gone into reverse. Money will pour into the English women's game even more than before now. Ours is really going to struggle. And the BBC will love it.
  22. Nah, can't watch this for two reasons: 1) Our absence, 2) The BBC's barely-restrained Englandlove.
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