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Everything posted by Toepoke

  1. There were some long gaps in the 70s because N. Ireland used to play their home games at Hampden during the Troubles. Over a year once - Sep 75 v Denmark until Oct 76 v Czechoslovakia.
  2. So the result of the barney of the season was not even a yellow card?
  3. Thought that too. Would still love them and their racist fans out though...
  4. Tony Stokes lambastes Connolly for diving, then admits he does it himself!
  5. Thought Killie were going to get him. Disappointing..
  6. Good job nobody's posted a photo of her with some allegedly gay footballers...
  7. Well Gary Lineker was meant to be on it so you could have a point...
  8. Would be quite ironic if Yogi's team were to stop Hibs' latest attempt on the cup...
  9. Is there still a five year waiting list to stand around a huge warehouse like a plamph watching them film it?...
  10. Given it's Qatar we could play them on Fleshers' Haughghghghgh...
  11. How many relatives are in that Gibraltar squad?
  12. Bring back William Woollard. Top Gear's not been the same since he left
  13. Whatever you think about Nicola Sturgeon you can't dispute that's a stunning portrait....
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