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Everything posted by TDYER63

  1. It took me a couple of episodes to get into the first series, I think that is why I prefer this one . But there is little in it, as you say they are both excellent. I have started watching ‘Power’ which was recommended by a few work colleagues. Not convinced by it yet but I have only watched 2 episodes. Its a bit too bling / drug dealing cum gangsta rap for me, but will stick with it a bit longer.
  2. Agree with all of that. This series is better than the first IMO. I especially like all the strong women in it, Ruth is fantastic and funny.
  3. You could do worse than tout your services as a tour guide . I am willing to donate a brolly and sandwich board 🙂
  4. On the other hand if we were France we would have 3 hens in the miiddle, 2 turtle doves at the back and a partridge in goal. Try breaking that lot down 🤢
  5. Reminds me why I dont bet. 13/1 for a fluke seems a pretty shit return to me. I do agree that Monday will be better right enough.
  6. If I had a penny for every time I’ve read these words on here I would have the money to get us a decent manager 🙁 Walking by Wiliam Hills last night and a large poster in their window offering 13-1 on a 1-0 Scotland win for last nights game. I know next to nothing about betting , would you not expect higher odds than that ? Who the fook in their right mind thought Belgium would come here and not score, never mind get beat ?
  7. I agree. I honestly thought we did ok in the first half, and felt Belgium knew they were in a game , the goal aside. Second half was like the concentration disappeared. I feel no animosity to McLeish from his previous tenure but when mentality and concentration are required I am not convinced he is the best person to be in charge. I am not negative enough to even compare this to Monday, but the effort that has gone into this game, and the knock on our confidence, will not help.
  8. Wtf happened at half time. I blame the Russians.
  9. 👍 Terrible goal to lose. Gordon should have been aware of the Belgians swarming. Otherwise the performance has been pretty impressive. Generally, much sharper than usual.
  10. 🙂 I failed the entry exam for mumsnet when they found out I used Bisto Gravy Granules and sent my daughter to school with a red nose painted with a permanent marker pen, a week before actual red nose day. Thats not to say I am not scary, I shall be staking out Robertson Park , be careful 👀
  11. Hmmm ‘ every post is a diatribe of hate’ , I think I would feel insulted if someone posted that about me. My point however was not the insults , its the fact the other person was unable to answer . The term ‘Open and honest’ is usually used when there is an open conversation and everyone has the right to reply. That said, dont in any way take this as me being some fookin champion for Ormond, you have taken a fair amount of shite yourself which IMO is completely unfounded and uncalled for. You are generally one of the more balanced people on here. Anyway, I am off to mumsnet to rattle some cages over there. Ormond will be back soon and normal service will resume 🙂
  12. Jeezo RB, that post is as petulant as the insults posted earlier. It is unlike you. All I am saying is if people feel the need to throw in personal insults then at least keep them till the person is around to defend themselves.
  13. I dont always agree with what Ormond says but this reads like a bitching session worthy of a coven of old witches. Get a grip.
  14. 🙂 you dont need to alter the disposable variety . Are you (beat)stalking me? I hadn’t been in that shop for over a year and was in there just an hour ago. He wasnt there, I had my best celebrity patter lined up as well 🙁
  15. No apology needed Ramy, certainly not from me. I probably fall somewhere betwen a man and a woman right enough. I moved to Jersey ( channel islands ) for 4 years when I was 20. I really liked it but every time I came back to Scotland for a holiday I actually felt quite emotional flying into Glasgow airport . In those days there were no mobile phones or internet so you could only keep in touch with people using a landline phone or by writing a letter. I could only afford to phone my mum once a week for a very short call, most of my communication was by letter. So when you came back it was so exciting. My mum kept some of the letters and showed me one recently. At the end I told her i was running out of paper and I had to keep my last sheet to write to my Granpa as it was a Sunday and no shops were opened to buy more. Things have changed so much since then. Well apart from the fact I still write realms and realms of shite. Unlike you I hate the rain, and the weather is the one thing that could persuade me to move from Scotland. But I could never move away permanently , maybe a few months a year. I love Scotland for all its faults And if we could have a summer like this one every year I would be perfectly happy. I like your passion, dont lose it ❤️
  16. I recently finished this series. The woman you mention was definetely weird, but she had plenty of competition . Maybe it was because the cameras were on them that made everyone act strange, that cannot have been easy. Nobody could top Kathleen’s sister in the crazy mental category right enough. She was getting crazier and crazier in every episode, and her lipstick was getting darker and darker. If someone had thrown a bucket of water over her in the final episode she would have melted like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz. The defence team were impressive. I hope I can afford David Rudolph if Mr Tdyer mysteriously falls down the stairs.
  17. He will have plenty of time on his hands to watch it again. Hope he kept his Blockbusters card.
  18. 🙁 I forgot about that. Rolling Hills , no matter how bad the next result is dont be tempted to rip the Sky dish off the roof .
  19. You are fairly getting the hang of this ventriloquism RH . How about ‘ gottle a geer’ or even ‘gottle a glenlivet’ 🙂
  20. 😂 I would pay good money to see Ramy sit on Rolling Hills lap. Wonder if RH stands for Rod Hull 🤫
  21. 😂 And it was all going so well.. Fear not RH, you may not be a qualified ventriloquist, but you do make a super smashin dummy 🙂
  22. I’m not so sure. Those middle aged female football supporters are getting out of hand.
  23. It must be if they think that woman is middle aged. Dont know what all the fuss is about she might have just dropped her cigar.
  24. 👍 😙 Ahem, Poland ?????
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