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Everything posted by Orraloon

  1. It's just a clash of 2 very big personalities who don't like to lose. If they had won there would have been none of this nonsense.
  2. Instead of blaming these folk for voting NO, we should be trying to persuade them that their final salary pensions would be safe in an independent Scotland. We clearly didn't manage to do that well enough. We need to sort that for the next time round. A lot of these folk can still be persuaded if the argument is put across properly. Continually blaming them just annoys them and makes them dig their heels in. Anybody who thinks people don't vote based on perceived self interest is kinda missing the point.
  3. Maybe he should take up bowling instead. Bowling clubs are usually very cheap for a pint.
  4. Is this another one of those "Derek hasnae got a burd" threads?
  5. To give him his due he did come back again. He probably wishes he hadn't.
  6. They look quite good but I prefer to wear my Dundee 57% badge.
  7. When I saw this thread title my first thought was "What has that count Alistair Darling been claiming for now?"
  8. It might win them some votes but the average wage is about £26K, so by definition about half the working population are below that. I would have thought that the proportion of folk on over 40K is quite small. Maybe they are relying on the fact that the folk at the bottom end are too stupid to realise they are being shafted.
  9. Come back to us Scotty. DON'T FOLLOW THE LIGHT ! You're far too young to go yet.
  10. If only we had voted YES, he might have had a claim then?
  11. Wisnae me that promised it. I'm just passing on the message.
  12. Even though he has promised you a tax cut? Some time in the future. After the deficit is under control. Which should be about 2050. Mibee?
  13. The point is to perpetuate the Labour/BBC nepotism gravy train.
  14. Does the Scottish Parliament have the power to turn them down?
  15. Is the next home venue not in Spain? Not sure where I got that idea from? If it is then it would make sense for Jiminez to be captain for that one, if he isn't playing of course.
  16. I assume they can only do that if they store all our bank details? What could possibly go wrong with that plan?
  17. I stand corrected. What a rip off. Just another money making scam. I can only assume that they think there is no need to inform folk about these changes. I suppose if they told folk they wouldn't make so much money out of it.
  18. If the car is already taxed by the old owner you don't need to do anything until the tax runs out. The remaining tax is transferred to you with the car. Phone the person you are buying it from and ask how much tax is left on the car. You need to make sure you are insured before you drive it though just in case you have an accident or get stopped by the fuzz.
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