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dipped flake

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Everything posted by dipped flake

  1. correct, you really had to watch him telling the jokes. No use just seeing them written down as it was all in his delivery
  2. find it sad that either a. we have gone cap in hand to someone who turned his back on his country b. He has decided he wants one last hurrah on the big stage also find it sad that someone I detest on the football pitch for the way he acts, probably will make our team better. Yet another nail in the coffin of my enthusiasm for the national side.
  3. Chic Murray was brilliant, sadly passed just as he was getting known outside of Scotland
  4. Hearts had him and he was garbage, and totally unfit. he seems to be doing the business with Saints so good luck to him. As for the OP
  5. damn edit function, this was for Vandark14. Anyway, agree with Vander, in england, the fact that any team can beat any other team is heralded as proof their league is fantastic. In Scotland, the same fact (minus celtic) is heralded as how shite our league is. Why do Scots have a permanent downer on anything Scottish??
  6. what has he done to annoy you?. Always liked him and Tam Cowan for not taking the blue/green pound. As this is one of the first posts of yours I have seen that hasn't mentioned Hearts and paedohiles I thought I would interact
  7. a wee hint, don;'t listen to this at work on your headphones. Strange looks coming my way every time I burst out laughing
  8. I am pretty new to Fire stick/Kodi but I downloaded Exodus and it's great for movies. For football, I got Sportsmania and the quality of the picture is pretty close to my Sky HD. Sportsmania is subscription and I just paid £6 for a week to try it out. You can get a year for £50, or 6 months for £26, a month for £12.
  9. I presumed he would be found innocent so no surprise at the verdict. Not guilty, just a thoroughly disgusting individual.
  10. we were severely restricted in the extra seats we could put in due to H&S rules regarding the nearby Ethanol tanks. Plus, as you say, we are jammed inbetween houses and a school so not much room to grow. Hearts always said the main thing was to replace the old stand which was costing us hundreds of thousands every year to maintain and get a safety certificate
  11. it will depend on what happens between now and that game (assuming you mean our home game against them). I can't see us selling out for wembley either
  12. I noticed that too, not exactly belting it out (apart from our captain), but at least a token effort. Must have worn themselves out with all that singing though
  13. slightly off topic but our new stand just got planning permission granted from the council. Demolition of the buildings behind the old stand to start in the next few weeks. Brilliant news and amazing to see where we are now compared to just a few years ago
  14. oh great another refugee from FF. welcome, you will find a few pals on here
  15. you could well be right, the problem with social media is it gives a minority a very loud voice
  16. sorry, I went back to read the last few pages on this thread and realised I should have updated my original post. Of course not all rangers fans but there has been a major shift away from rangers fans supporting Scotland to hating everything about Scotland. And I have to admit that I have followed suit in my hatred of these types of Rangers fans. That leads me to sometime make sweeping statements/generalisations
  17. a post of yours I can 100% agree with. I am old enough to remember the abuse dished out by rangers fans to any celtic player who had the temerity to play for Scotland. That was in the days when they thought Scotland belonged to them. then they changed to hating Scotland and the TA so will use any excuse to have a go at Scotland and the fans. Never heard any booing until half time and full time but, if it did happen, it's wrong but very very tame compared to decades ago.
  18. I sort of agree with a lot of what you posted but, to me, the biggest reason for me losing most(all?) interest in Scotland was the referendum result. I just don't feel the pride I used to have supporting my country? anymore. I'm going tomorrow, mainly due to it being the only Saturday game and I can catch up with mates I've not really seen for ages. It will be my only game of the campaign. Of course a great win tomorrow and on Tuesday might cheer me up a bit
  19. forgot about him as the bbc have been pushing the tories this week but I agree. A party that gets less votes then the monster raving loonies used to get and he gets wall to wall coverage whenever he opens his gub
  20. i find it quite sinister the air time the bbc is giving this person lately. It's almost as though they aren't being 100% impartial in their coverage of Scottish politics
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