March For Indy, Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow Sat 24Th Oct - Anything Goes - Other topics not covered elsewhere - Tartan Army Message Board Jump to content

March For Indy, Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow Sat 24Th Oct

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For those interested, especially in the light of the evel bill, there's a Pro Indy March tommorrow 11am, meeting at the skateboard area in Kelvingrove Park and

marching to Glasgow Green. March leaves at 11.30 sharp. Bring your flags!

For those who think this is a waste of time/time could be spent better posting leaflets etc... /dont like solidarity/Rise... or just Unionists wanting to belittle our efforts, please feel free to benefit us with your comments of great wisdom.


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1) Nae idea, its not a solidarity run event, but nae idea if he is just going to attend.

2) Only in so much as that an SNP representative will be giving a speech but nae idea who that will be.

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It is being organised by this lot...

Perhaps someone knows who is behind it and who is funding it? They are not exactly up front about who they actually are. Got a bad feeling about them but nothing tangible.

I've got a feeling about them alright, and the second word is 'Branch'.

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I've got a feeling about them alright, and the second word is 'Branch'.

Think you're being paranoid, i really cant see what special Branch have to gain from organising (successfully) a march and Rally for Independence. This is their second and the first one was well attended. Am I missing something?

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Think you're being paranoid, i really cant see what special Branch have to gain from organising (successfully) a march and Rally for Independence. This is their second and the first one was well attended. Am I missing something?

Why would a pro-independence movement wish to split supporters of independence, which is exactly what this mob are doing?

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ok, ill bite, how are they splitting supporters? All Under One Banner, the clue's in the name and pretty sure thats exactly the opposite of what they want to achieve. They dont care what political hue you are as long as you support Indy, thats why all the major interested parties have been invited to speak. As far as im aware its only the Greens who wont be officially represented and I dont know the reason for that. now, can you tell me why you think Special Branch have organised this?

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I think their name tells you what they hope to achieve.

Is it a good idea for the SNP to be "All Under One Banner" with groups like RISE and Solidarity?

They are maybe trying to hitch a ride on the independence band wagon at best (right now they are in political obscurity) or at worst they are an attempt by someone to systematically associate the SNP with the far left. Just possibilities. If they are straight up they should be up front about who they are, so who are they?

Being "All Under One Banner" means all are invited. Belive me, id love the SNP to organise something on their own.

What's the aim of the rally?

Its on the link but here you go.

"This MARCH FOR INDEPENDENCE was specifically scheduled to take place the weekend after the SNP's Autumn conference with the intention of gathering and galvanizing the ever-increasing support for an Independent Scotland to the Processions ranks. One thing remains clear, that we desire the reinstatement of Scotland as an Independent Country as soon as possible, and so we will take to the streets this Saturday to show our continued determination towards this Cause and to demonstrate that collectively we shall continue to MARCH FOR INDEPENDENCE at regular intervals until Scotland is Free and the 1707 Act of Union is repealed and declared Void."

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ok, ill bite, how are they splitting supporters? All Under One Banner, the clue's in the name and pretty sure thats exactly the opposite of what they want to achieve. They dont care what political hue you are as long as you support Indy, thats why all the major interested parties have been invited to speak. As far as im aware its only the Greens who wont be officially represented and I dont know the reason for that. now, can you tell me why you think Special Branch have organised this?

But they're not under one banner at all.

Even the top of the flyer says "All under one banner AND Yes2"

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ok, ill bite, how are they splitting supporters? All Under One Banner, the clue's in the name and pretty sure thats exactly the opposite of what they want to achieve. They dont care what political hue you are as long as you support Indy, thats why all the major interested parties have been invited to speak. As far as im aware its only the Greens who wont be officially represented and I dont know the reason for that. now, can you tell me why you think Special Branch have organised this?

A quick look on social media tells you they're splitting independence supporters.

I'm pretty sure this isn't authorised by the SNP.

Sheridan is divisive.

Umpteen marches piss people off.

Let's be honest, a lot of loonies attend (yourself excluded).

It's definitely a very left-wing event.

The final 2 points are the ones which lead me to suspect sinister forces are behind it, to portray us all as left-wing, militant bampots out marching every week, which will ultimately piss a lot of folk off and damage the cause.

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Ive said already its not organised by the SNP, i wish they bloody well would organise something! Im not aware of it causing any split, I know their last march and rally was a success and I think they organised the one before that which took them from the Green to the Square. Ultimately, splits always happen to an extent, its like i said at the top of my post about people thinking marches were a waste of time or not wanting to attend in case its anything to do with Tommy (which im almost 100% sure it isny, not that it would bother me if it was). folk always chip in their ideas, good, bad or plain mental. thats just what happens when folk organise things like this, its not helped either by people having slanging matches on the events pages as happened with one organised for Edinburgh not long after the Referendum, now there i think is an area that the branch you speak of are active.

Sheridan is divisive, I agree. but i have no problems with him, have no intention of ever voting solidarity and this march has nothing to do with him other than he may/maynot actually be there.

Do they? In what way? you say umpteen (tbh, you said every week in an earlier post). How many in your opinion is umpteen? Im only aware of two prevoius marches this mob have organised this year, this being the third.

Its ordinary folk that attend and you'd probably need to define what a loony is, yes, a fair few of folk there will be folk that attend all these things (no sure that makes you a loony) but the invigorating thing is that since the run up to the referendum these events have joined to and added to with just folk that previously wouldnt have bothered. ill be there with my 8 year old son and a few fairly normal pals who post on here intermittently.

It is what it says on the tin. Given that there are no right wing organisationss that support Indy (ukip and tories seem to be against the idea) then they can only include the interested parties.

Attending a march is hardly militant, get a grip mate. Its a fairly pessimistic attitude to have. And naw, theres not a chance sinister forces are at work here, its nonsensical. whats the alternative, sit on our arses and do nothing for fear of offending folk?

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There was never an annual event, there were two or three marches for Indy, very well organised by a guy called Jeff Duncan i think. This march is well attended and well organised so no bother.

socialists dont bother me, Im not one and not interested, but they can talk about it all they like.

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Too much bitching from grown men and people boycotting or suspicious of this or that group. I agree that we need to wait till the time is right for another independence referendum but if we sit back then that time will never come.

I was in support of Yes Scotland continuing as a sort of pressure group or information source to keep putting out arguments about independence to keep it in people's conciseness. Also keeping a public profile and show of support through marches and rallies is good. But we can't have 2 a month by different groups with poor turnouts.

I would like to see 1 a year, probably around the referendum date, that would be where everyone pulls together in a show of support. Make it a big annual event.

The ones in Edinburgh were good and set around that idea but as usual the in fighting and bitching led to the 2014 one being cancelled and certain people taking a huff and not talking to this or that person. I had a long chat with the people involved to try and get it back on in July time, as I agreed with the SNP that the week before the referendum was a very bad time to hold the rally but to no avail. This in fighting and accusations and suspicions of certain groups is going to help kill the movement or at least lose the momentum and support it helped generate.

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