Why Voters Should Trust A Politician Rather Than Businessmen? - Anything Goes - Other topics not covered elsewhere - Tartan Army Message Board Jump to content

Why Voters Should Trust A Politician Rather Than Businessmen?

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Response from BBC News

The BBC's Political Editor Nick Robinson asked Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond two questions at his press conference on Thursday 11th September. The first question centred on the tax implications of RBS moving its legal headquarters to London; the second on why voters should trust a politician rather than businessmen.

The BBC think Alex Salmond didn't answer the question.

Can anyone help answer it?

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How about:

because the politician is accountable to the voter, whereas the business person is accountable to the customer - or shareholder or the market in general - not the voter.

So here's another question:

Why should the voters trust a journalist of the BBC - that is in the CBI along with those business people - rather than a politician?

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Voters should listen to what the politician and businessman are saying and then decide who they trust.

They should also listen to what the businessman is actually saying and not just the headline, including the BBC's. Businessman "In an independent Scotland we'd have a different pricing strategy." Headline "Prices WILL go up in event of a Yes vote".

They should also check out who is yanking the chain of said businessman. Does his business "donate" money to the Conservative Party? Has he been knighted recently. Does he lunch with Dave and Sam? Did someone from Westminster give him a call this week encouraging him to make some noises about the referendum?

Maybe Nick Robinson should answer this question: Why should the Scottish people trust the British state broadcaster over the democratically elected First Minister?

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