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Caledonian Craig

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Everything posted by Caledonian Craig

  1. I don't see the Benn Bill being as watertight as some may think. Rumours abound today that Johnson has been contacting each Euro member country's leader asking them to veto an extension on the 31st of October. I honestly cannot see him abiding by the Bill and asking for an extension. What the poor eejits who are egging him on for a No Deal don't get is that it is those like them that will suffer financially and in other ways. The likes of BJ and his Tory cronies do not give a jot as they have more feathers in their nest than you'd find in an aviary plus they have fingers in financial plans that will see them benefit from a No Deal.
  2. Spot on. The Tories are deeply devided. You have the ERG within in wanting a hard no deal Brexit, you have MPs favouring a deal of sorts and you have MPs wanting to remain. You have MPs who back Boris and others who do not. All within the Tory party.
  3. It is but I still think we have enough talent to get us out of the group stages but now that we'll be playing New Zealand that will be our journey's end.
  4. Andy Murray's achilles heel has always been his self-belief which just does not quite match up to serial slam winners Federer, Nadal and Djokovic.
  5. Andy Murray beats Tennys Sandgren 6-3 6-7 6-1 to go through to the Second Round in Zhuhai. A match almost two and a half hours long. Next up for him the Australian Alex De Minaur.
  6. Of course it works both ways though. How would visiting aliens know how well we could detect them? How would they know that we have sight, smell and touch etc. Early analysis of even distant planets outside our solar system shows them to have a similar type of metalogy in their make-up so it may be that is what is best available to them to make craft from. In any case many times UFO sightings are made of different substances. Some are said to be nothing but a glowing light pulsing with no real outlines. There was the material at Roswell said to be like tinfoil but you crumpled it up but it would unravel to its original form.
  7. Sorry if it comes across that way - no offence. It is all just a very disappointing performance and cannot be looked at in any other way if we want to go forward from here. Obviously, it does not wreck or ruin our chances of getting out of the group. I still think we will go through but we have to improve all facets of our game. Again sorry if I offended.
  8. Sorry that does not excuse poor handling. line-out losses and loose kicks. We can't even score with a man advantage. Sorry but this has been very poor from Scotland. It has been a thrashing even though Scotland has had more possession.
  9. Embarrasing. Scotland's level of play that is.
  10. The UFO's have often NOT been Earth-like crafts though. I know of no conical, spherical, pyramid-esque flying vehicle made on Earth. And as far as I know all UKO sightings have not been of ones shaped like your typical Earth vehicles with wings.
  11. To be fair anything beyond the QF's was not going to be on so they just need to regroup and make sure they get back to basics and secure second place in this group.
  12. Yes but Scotland are digging their own graves here. Gifting possession away through handling errors or poor decisions. Just amateurish.
  13. Rank rotten so far. Trying to match the football team for rankness.
  14. On the other side of the coin there are so many credible witnesses out there who had so much to lose by coming out and sharing their weird experiences. People in the air force, army, policemen etc. The reported UFO's (many of them) are nothing like any Earth-like flying machines either. Some are pyramid-shaped or conical or spherical - so nothing like anything on Earth. My reservations about aliens having visited is because of the vastness of space. The nearest habitable planets are thousands of light years away meaning even a ship travelling at the mind-blowing speed of light it would take thousands of years to get here.
  15. As things stand now I cannot see the SFA even giving a moments thought to revamping Hampden. Firstly, they need to sort out matters on the pitch first. Secondly, it would be foolhardy to chuck millions in to increase the capacity at a time when attendances are falling. In short I cannot see them even considering any revamp untoil things improve greatly on the pitch.
  16. Team-wise as a team they might be but considering the players we have available compared to those teams that should not be the case.
  17. Perhaps the phrasing I should have said is potentially we should be far better than them. You could put it down to various reasons as to why they beat us such as better work ethic as a team, better organised defensively and more motivated.
  18. Considering the players we have available to us then yes we should be considered as better than them. Robertson was in the Premier League XI team of the season and is widely regarded as one of the best left-backs in Europe. Ryan Fraser was up amongst the best for assists in the EPL. The likes of Kazakhstan and Israel do not have players like that at their disposal.
  19. Excuse me if I am being naive but why have these marches been allowed for so long? Seems to me that it is no more than groups using them to do a bit of political chest thumping in public. Okay I have attended marches supporting Scottish Independence but that is a lot different in my view. It is a march to demonstrate the power of voice and will behind the push for independence but what is it with these other marches?
  20. One thing that cannot be denied about the Brexit Yes campaign is that they never gave a thought about what would happen to the Irish Border. Quite ludicrous really. All the talk was about taking back control of laws and borders but Jack about the most important border of them all - the Irish one. Sorry but that key factor means that a No Deal Brexit was never a possible outcome without a Hard Border going up.
  21. Hard core perhaps the wrong term then. But those inclined to vote No numbers more than those inclined to vote Yes - not by much but still a difference. The indyref polls tell us that. On top of that the election vote share tells us that with a fractionally higher percentage of voters voting for unionist parties over those backing independence.
  22. I did say just under 45% perhaps 43%. It would tally that the figure is around that mark given that all indy polls never puts No vote anything under that in polls.
  23. I have said it before and will say it again. As things stand you probably have a hard core 40% of Yes voters who will vote Yes whenever another IndyRef is called. Probably there are around just under 45% hard core unionists who will vote No whenever IndyRef 2 comes about. That leaves the Yes side to try to convince about 15% of voters to vote Yes. Many of those don't knows/waiverers/overly cautious voters (if we were to have a vote BEFORE Brexit) would want to know the outcome of Brexit before being converted into a Yes voter. They would still hold on to a faint hope that a deal would be signed on Brexit or that it would be cancelled and so would not have the courage to vote Yes. On top of that Bitter Together 2 no doubt would point out that this IndyRef was never really anything to do with EU membership as the Yes side could not even wait to find out the outcome of Brexit. That will only put more potential Yes voters off.
  24. Lets remember the quality of the opposition compared to us - Belgium are world No 1 side in the rankings. We have not come close to qualifying for anything for over a decade now. Russia were World Cup quarter-finalists. Both sides are a class (or three) above us. However, my gripe is we are no longer seemingly tough to beat. Over the twenty odd years since we last qualified we have played the very best teams and been very tough to beat losing many games by an odd goal or even beating top notch sides. Sadly, we have drifted away from this level too which is my big worry. If I am being honest our chances of qualifying ended in Kazakhstan and its always been about the play-off route. Clarke realises that now too and hopefully he can use these next few games to beef up our defence and instil a little bit more confidence and self-belief with wins against the weaker sides in our group. We need to try to remain positive for the play-off route was always going to be the likeliest route to qualification. I do agree with those that say we need a ball-winner/retainer in midfield. A tough Scott Brown-type as the glue to make the ball stick in midfield. Somebody to build attacks around in midfield who can hold the ball and feed our attacking midfielders as we break. The problem is I don't see that type of player available to us at the moment. We also need to beef up our defence and hopefully the return of McKenna will help in that area and we need to re-examine our right-back options. Keep the faith.
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