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Och Aye

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Everything posted by Och Aye

  1. 😄 Kumnio better hope nothing happens to Lulu in the next few months or he's going to get a serious pull.
  2. His performances for Motherwell were a deal breaker
  3. Accies, Clyde and Queen Of The South on a serious downward spiral.
  4. But where would we get our seal fur hats and gloves from?....... you've not thought this through have you.
  5. Well you were miles off with that prediction 😄
  6. Well done, all seals are innocent until proven guilty.
  7. Some great pictures. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-64119646
  8. Not much weather news about Canada over here, only reported when hits New York area. A 'bomb cyclone' apparently the term.
  9. It's been an awful season for coupons and the bookies clearly tightening their belts with some pretty mean prices. Thankfully the World Cup was a bit more profitable.
  10. Well we had over 1 millimetre of snow here in Motherwell. Absolute chaos!
  11. An old coal cellar? Nice you built it high so the servants wouldn't bump their heads fetching the coal in. Very thoughtful 😉
  12. A lot of Celtic fans in our local. We avoided shouting up a Black and Tan. A snakebite with blackcurrant (pint of Diesel) was popular in the Shire. Messed up a few white shirts drinking that.
  13. Pro SNP press ???? If this guy was ever a Yes voter I'll cancel my date with Margot Robbie tonight.
  14. Yes you still get it. Used to mix it with heavy for a sweet tan. Doctor told my mum to drink Sweetheart Stout when she was expecting me, high iron content or something, didn't do me any harm. Oh, and the doctor told my mum to drink Sweetheart Stout when she was expecting me, didn't do me any harm.
  15. Perfect night to see the Geminid meteor shower. Seen a few despite lighting in street.
  16. Don't know if Marvel will be making a movie about our local Superhero Airdrie Man.
  17. Yes. People seem unaware of the amount of work they put into preparation out of working hours. Far too stressful a job for me made worse by the amount of influence parents have now along with out of touch governing bodies.
  18. Not a series but watched Netflix (Del Toro version) of Pinocchio with my daughter. She was in tears a couple of times. Much darker but definitely the best version. Ewan McGregor as the cricket.
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