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Everything posted by Orraloon

  1. Aye? So you just dislike their policies? Like the policy on corporation tax?
  2. This is the problem with statistics, folk just distort them to suit their own agenda.
  3. See whit you can do if you put your mind to it? All that constant moaning like fuk on here has finally got though to the people that matter. Think how much more you could do if you joined the Party.
  4. Kids are so molly coddled these days, it's no wonder the younger generation can't stand up for themselves. This is what happens when you take the option of corporal punishment away from teachers.
  5. Och, that's just being Tobyist. If you said "He is a Tory, he will be a khunt" then that would have been OK.
  6. Was there not another similar stooshie about abolishing the student grant? Murphy (as president of the NUS) voted in favour of abolishing the student grant even though the NUS had voted against abolishing it at their conference. It was a long time ago, so might be a bit muddled?
  7. I don't understand why no journalist asks him "Would it be OK to get free education for 9 years, even if the student didn't graduate at the end of it." Maybe next time he is on Off the Ball, Tam Cowan could ask him?
  8. 5 against 2 then? Nae idea who Toby Young is, but I think it's safe to guess he will be a khunt.
  9. What kind are they, and when will you be leaving them in your unlocked car again?
  10. Hadn't thought of that, but sounds much more likely.
  11. Isn't that where the phrase "inspecting your own belly button" comes from?
  12. Don't be so selfish. Planet Earth could well be a better place once the human race has been wiped out.
  13. Do the "loud shouty" folk always wait for the sensible ones to give their comments first? That seems very restrained of them. Nicola must have them well trained. You make a lot of decent sensible points on here but you also dinae half haver some pish sometimes.
  14. I read a lot of the WoS stuff and most of it is excellent. Much, much better than what our so called journalists produce. His style might not suit everybody but it's the facts he digs up that are important. He seems to have the ability to see right through what the politicians are up to. He is brilliant at tying things together from different stories sometimes months or years apart. As for the comments, to me, they seem pretty reasonable and restrained. I don't know if he moderates and censors them before they go up (must be pretty time consuming if he does) but there is plenty of stuff on the TAMB which gets far closer to "offensive" than anything I've seen on WoS.
  15. You don't have to be. You just need to pretend. I think you could manage that, if it's for a good cause. This is politics. I think you and phart would make a good team.
  16. I vote for phart He is going to stand against Jim Murphy, hopefully.
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