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Everything posted by Jacobite

  1. This is like the old days at the football when the guy with the radio could have a rumour running round the ground in 10 seconds.
  2. Don't know if it will be used as an exit poll but yougov got in touch with me at about 2pm to complete a poll if I had already voted.
  3. YOUGOV might be doing an exit type poll,got an e mail saying they will e mail again at 9pm tonight. Not sure how accurate that will be though if they just use people on their system.
  4. Thank you,and hopefully tomorrow when we go we all go and will leave no one behind.
  5. The unionists were glum when they were miles ahead in the polls they need that glumness to keep them happy so I wouldn't read to much into it.
  6. The SNP were flagging up that these cuts have been coming for years. How many times did we hear Alex Salmond talk about cuts that were deeper than those of Thatcher. The Scottish Government have been running about putting out fires caused by Westminster cuts they can't do it for ever.
  7. I don't like whisky at all but I do have a 250 year old Jacobite drinking glass that might have to be used for just one.
  8. I can remember when Jim Sillars won in Govan,Gordon Wilson came into the campaign office at 10 to 10 and told us we had won and gave us an approx majority that was pretty close to the actual result.
  9. My old dear at the age of 75 got tore into one of her pals.Telling her she planned to be around for another few years and she had her grand kids to think off thats why she is voting YES. She is currently cutting about with a bag of YES car stickers putting them on bus shelters.
  10. If we vote YES then I'm following the Frank McDougall investment route and buying a greyhound.Anything else is just to risky.
  11. What'll they do ,have a front page with a big noose on it telling folk to vote no.
  12. I remember speaking to Jim Sillars years ago just after he won in Govan. He had agreed to do a column ,I think for the SUN though might have been the record. And he said it was "like getting the devil to do Gods work" he also pointed out that the money he got from it would go toward employing another member of staff.
  13. What was Alex Salmond thinking about he should have told Murdoch to get lost. Just like all those other politicians have done.
  14. Well that will be the start of the world wide collapse of the banks and the stock exchange. They'll be jumping off buildings in Wall st.
  15. Is that to let Murphy,Reid,Galloway and Wilson go to the march.
  16. I suppose this is the time when we will find out if collectively we are the real deal or not. They hit us with everything yesterday and it really depends just how much folk trust Westminster or decide lets do our own thing. It just seems bizarre that 3 political leaders who are all basically the same colour politically can fly in and fly out of this country and basically sweep some crumbs from their table for the Scots to feed on and our media fall over themselves to doff their caps and say thank you guv.
  17. What is this Devo max,has it been defined ? does anyone know ? Devo max would suggest its maximum devolution so that would have to be just short of independence so what powers would it be ???? And this visit by the 3 leaders of the London based parties just demonstrates that power lies in London and it is in their power to grant and remove powers to our parliament.
  18. Never quite sure about Ponsonby after all he is a failed Lib Dem politican.
  19. My pal was told he wouldn't get the lung transplant he was waiting on .He has since had it and now he's been told that he wont get his medication or follow up.When even Gordon Brown is peddling that one you can't expect his minions to be any different.
  20. Just heard Malcolm Bruce say that the Russian separatists in Ukraine were backing Scottish independence. Doesn't seem that long ago that his lot were going cap in hand to Putin asking for support.
  21. No problem its your border as well but why don't you do it in Ireland ??? And people can do what you describe already,they can apply to go to the UK and disappear they can apply to go to Ireland and take a stroll over the border and they are in the UK. Build a border if you want,just seems bizarre in this day and age.
  22. And how would they go through Scotland ??? we don't have a ferry that they could stow away on,maybe they could go through Ireland,but to do that they would have to enter the UK and leave and go back in again,that would be silly.Seriously,somehow they are going to get all the way to Scotland and then sneak over the heavily guarded border.
  23. OK so the polls are good,didn't trust them when they were bad and don't trust them now. We can;t go back to being a normal country on the back of a poll.
  24. They very likely have given the debate a 2nd 3rd and 4th thought. For many people their default position was no as that was what had been fed to them for years. So yes they may have listened to their friends and family ,they may have went and sought out further information or they may have been impacted by that very slick YES campaign that for the most part has went for heads not hearts.And at the end of all that they may have weighed that up with the negative fear mongering from the unionists.That is what debate is about. YES have successfully bypassed the media and won the argument,we are nowhere near there yet but those Scots who are members of the British establishment are getting the fright of their lives.
  25. I've just completed a poll for yougov. Some of the questions seemed a bit rigged so a bit suspicious of where it came from,filled it in anyway as it did ask the core questions about the vote.
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