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Everything posted by thplinth

  1. Alex F. is a firm NO and will I expect be wheeled out before all this over. Probably saving him for this week. He will have been asked to support them (in their desperate hour of need). I have no problem with this or guys like David Bowie. (Bowie did not run us down or slag us off he just asked us to stay. We can't demonize anyone for that.)
  2. Roy Jenkins (from memory) described Tony Blair's approach to the 1997 election as a man walking across a polished floor carrying a ming vase. This is pretty much Alex Salmond and the SNP's job this week. Just keep the heid and do not make any stupid mistakes.
  3. That linked stopped working for me. Found another summarized version...
  4. Yeah they are great. Man the positivity and energy is palpable.
  5. David Cameron should carry the blame if Scotland backs independence this week, for forcing an all-or-nothing vote, Alex Salmond said last night, as the SNP leader claimed there was “unstoppable” momentum behind the “Yes” campaign. ...First Minister Mr Salmond said that it was the Prime Minister who “fought tooth and nail” to keep a third option of “devo max” off the ballot paper. I have never thanked anyone so much in my whole life when David Cameron forced a two choice all or nothing question. Thanks again Dave.
  6. Wow! starting to get a little bit uncomfortable about all of this.
  7. Looks like Dave caved to whatever he wanted... "Rupert Murdoch: I'm worried about Salmond's extreme allies...but I'm still not officially saying Yes or No" Bawbag.
  8. I suspect the OO membership in Scotland will simply melt away in the event of a Yes vote. They might carry on for a few years but no more than 5-10 I would guess. What would be the point, you'd just feel like a total tit. They only exist to stop this happening, once that battle is lost they will have nothing left to unite them. Voting Yes is a vote to end these arseholes core raison d'etre (yep that is french ya bass). It will break their hearts.
  9. Has it happened already? Like I say I am not going to reject anyone who comes to a Yes, that would be stupid.
  10. Murdoch will be using his threat of supporting us to extort something from Westminster. If they agree he will remain quiet if they don't comply he will go Yes. This is what he does, he promises to back you if you promise to do his bidding. His bidding of course is something he has sold to the highest bidder somewhere else and so on it goes. Having him as kingmaker in the UK is insane. They had a chance to sort this after the hacking scandal but they let him off (again a deal will have been made). He is a basically.
  11. I think that is what disgusts me the most. That many of the dead would have been big YES men and they are now being used to promote a No, men who died for their country fukked over for a cheap boost at the polls. it is repulsive behaviour.
  12. Even with a state broadcaster that has already happened.
  13. The orange order accusing us of being 'divisive'. Do these people have any self awareness at all.
  14. Coincidentally they had about 17 beheadings in Saudi Arabia recently. You probably did not see it on the news as it was the state doing it. One guy was beheaded for 'sorcery' I read. Cutting people's heads for Sorcery in the year 2014. And that is our key ally in the Middle East? Aye right. Who else is a big fan of beheadings...hmmmm let me think...
  15. I increasingly wonder about the Saudis and whether they are actually Muslim. They have been systematically destroying these holy sites whilst funding extremist islam all around the world. This is all very contrived and is designed to provide a pretext for more war. The idea that the Saudis are doing all this without US endorsement is laughable. The US wants these 'enemies' because that provides the excuse for invading or bombing or both... ISIS is a joke.
  16. I cannot watch Andrew Marr, it is a physical impossibility.
  17. England is so big now population wise versus us we could be swamped in a single generation. That is why we need to grasp this moment now and establish our institutions. Sooner or later the pressure down south will spill over into Scotland. We could lose this opportunity and never get it back.
  18. What they have done down south with immigration is a scandal. "Brecht's sarcasm is now literal truth. Western governments are dissolving their peoples and electing (or rather importing) other peoples in their place." Keep everyone fighting for survival and each other and no one ever looks up. Scotland has largely escaped this... so far.
  19. The population of England & Scotland combined pre union was roughly two thirds English and one third Scots. Now we are down to 8.3% I see. The Union has been a catastrophe for us make no mistake. We have been scattered to the four corners for hundreds of years or faced economic conscription.
  20. Wow. After all that last week it has hardly made a dent. Yet again, amazing.
  21. Whatever the Sun do they are well beyond being a day late and a dollar short. They will just be 'latching on' not 'making the difference'.
  22. His grandfather was an Aberdonian minister I understand. The fact is we cannot stop them coming out for Yes and it would be self defeating to be churlish about it now if they do.
  23. Exactly. A creation. Could they be any more 'evil' if they tried? Maybe get some black capes?
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