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Everything posted by thewelk

  1. I got an actual fright reading that Ended up with a Lagavulin 16 incidentally!
  2. Paranoia? Postal vote turn out is at around 93%?? I'm already sensing a wee labour party special 'top up' there...
  3. yeah, you might need to assume that the Nos would be ashamed of themselves and hence less likely to say.
  4. It might just be a general exit poll then and they've put "edinburgh" because it's the capital. Like they do for real countries!
  5. Exactly my thoughts. Even if it is a fag packet exit poll by an italian reporter standing outside a polling station somewhere you'd never expect yes to lead. Unless it was at 1pm when only the yes minks were out voting and the Nos were all at the office.
  6. Already a brief mention in the Italian media "I primi exit poll: a Edimburgo i sì al 52%. Lo spoglio alle 23" 52% Yes in Edinburgh
  7. If you use chrome install the "hola better internet" extension and it'll let you watch the normal UK streams. Usually works quite well.
  8. He's not old enough to have a favorite chair or go to a home but I'll fire off a few links to his facebook. He might go for one of them. Cheers!
  9. How can anyone take Alexander seriously? He's like one of they empty politicians you see in American tv series that are snorting coke off a hoors nipples in their spare time.
  10. Was in a pub in dortmund and a bunch of TA ordered a round of Ardbeg. Could smell it before I saw it. Might go for springbank just because it triggered something in my head. Someone recommended the 15yr old to me a while back!
  11. I was only really aiming to convert my parents. My mum was quite easy. She was a definite no but it only took a bit of persuasion from me and my brother to get her to yes. And her crowd of pals are all hard yessers anyway so they would have done it if we hadn't. My dad on the other hand (a typical 60+ ex army type) was and still is completely unmovable. I really thought I could work on him over time but he refuses to open his mind even a little bit. And he doesn't even say why he's no, "that's just the way it is". It's so f'ing frustrating because I'm sure he'd benefit a lot from it. But there's no way in there. A lost cause in my opinion. Has anyone else dealt with someone like that? And did you have any success? What's the eureka moment for that type??
  12. Haven't got my bottle for Thursday night yet so I'm looking for inspiration. Something expensive I guess. And should it be opened and tanned during the night or only on the victory declaration? What are the rules here? Never had an independence night before!
  13. I've had a f***in shitter of a three weeks at work (long weekend in Dusseldorf didn't help much!) which finally calms down on Wednesday so I'll be getting myself a good bottle of whisky for the all nighter on Thursday and taking Friday off. Can't wait.
  14. If it's a no vote I think the first thing we need to do is take the free bus passes and prescriptions from the old folk and ram them up their ungrateful arses. Or maybe just take them away without the ramming...but they don't deserve them anymore.
  15. Sky are reporting it. And Russia Today wont hesitate. But the BBC will sweep it under the carpet.
  16. Yeah, i suppose they'll be our equivalent to those Russians in Crimea.
  17. Now they've got that UKIP MEP on calling all yessers bullys and thugs
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