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Everything posted by Hertsscot

  1. Lee was bit of a hero originally because he decided not to walk when everything went pear shaped. On the other hand if you're being cynical you might say that no-one other club would offer him the deal he was on when he TUPEd across, only Lee knows the truth.
  2. I've apparently just got in touch with my Welsh side!!!!!!!!!!! At least I can cheer them on in the rugby tonight. Plaid 74% SNP 73% Labour 72% Green 71% I feel there's substantially more than 1% diffence between my support for SNP and Labour (who currently I'd like to see get wiped off the map at the GE, at least in Scotland)
  3. He certainly was I remember watching him in some Aberdeen reserve fixtures and he looked some prospect.
  4. No surprises there, the rich and powerful spending a bit of others hard earned dosh to keep the insurgents down.
  5. Very disappointing if you're a United fan, though softened slightly by Muirhead and Dixon coming in. Still can't think it's great for competition in the SPL
  6. Okay i can't resist making the point. This gets beamed into over 50 countries globally and Murphy wants more freedom for hatefest songs and drinking - not what I want to represent a modern progressive Scotland.
  7. Running the midfield against Rangers is no big deal nowadays.
  8. As a Rangers fan I totally agree with you. i expect to get beat, irrespective of how bad Celtic have been we have been dire. My only hope is that some of our more experienced might actually rise to the occasion but I'm not holding my breath. Like you I fear that all the idiots on both sides will be out in force today.
  9. Hardly a secret weapon. I thinnk it will be harder for them to play the same stunt again. Brown was quite happy to give the illusionof Home Rule/substantial powers before Indy Ref and it hasn't happened. Some people will lap up everything he says but I don't think others are going to be so easily fooled a second time.
  10. Whilst on the subject of Hull anyone know when Snoddy is due back?
  11. Fair enough but you can't deny that papers still have a powerful influence upon many people. Headlines impact on people at all sorts of levels. Some/most of these rags tell a great big lie (eg the Vow) and people who read the damn things swallow it cos its in the paper and so it must be true. When every single headline is repeating that lie and there's no alternative voices then it becomes 'truth'. The papers themselves also generate the news as on TV and radio they get discussed and they set the agenda - the National may not be perfect but it's better than having no alternative voices at all.
  12. From the Guardian another less than glorious incident: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/30/athens-1944-britains-dirty-secret
  13. Miliband is virtually unelectable in England. If Labour have any chance of winning they have to appeal to voters in English constituencies with policies that may well be to the detriment of Scotland. Biggest favour Scottish voters can do is give Labour a kicking and then some in that party may actually wake up and remember what they once stood for.
  14. I'm pretty sure this is drivel from the Mail which also claimed "Looney left" councils were banning "Baa baa black sheep" etc
  15. Really? I must admit I wasn't impressed with either the Millennium or Aviva.
  16. What's up with Rhodes at the minute, doens't seem to have started in Blackburn's starting XI for a while
  17. Pretty sure the Smith Commission was recommending Scottish government had power over fracking. Last night's vote seems to have blown that one out the water.
  18. Good news for Aberdeen. I must admit I was a bit depressed this week with Celtic snapping up GMS and rumours of Armstrong following in his footsteps but Utd's signing of MacGowan and the Dons capture of Shinnie seem to indicate that there's some ambition in the chasing pack.
  19. Yes it is. I don't think he's the silkiest of players and wouldn't necessarily play him from the start but he could be used as an impact player. I'm still old fashioned enough to think its worth having a bit of aerial threat up your sleeve just in case.
  20. Matt Smith having a decent game for Bristol City v West Ham. Looks more mobile than Chris Martin, hold up play's been good and certainly causes problems in the air
  21. Obviously got nothing better to with their time and money - bit sad.
  22. Surprised Murphy's not promised 1000 more matches than SNP will give you.
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