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Everything posted by hauniscots

  1. Are you saying they should be categorised as having learning difficulties? I'm not comfortable with that. Are you ok with say 15 of the class having Aspergers/ADHD/Other disability/Polish and your child would not be affected? Or would you rather have a class with 0 (Zero) of any learning disability.
  2. If English was their first language then that example is not comparable. Unless of course you are implying that you don't have to speak English in a Maths class which of course is absurd. And we should be embracing these kids not saying their language skills are sh1t.
  3. Regardless of the quality of teacher, the pace of education will inevitably be slower.
  4. I have a work colleague who's daughter shares the class with 7 other polish kids with limited grasp of the language. As a result he feels her education is going at snail's pace. Is is this a genuine concern or is he racist?
  5. I know your proud mate but share it with your family rather than us on here. Nobody could give two fks.
  6. Do the senior manager and MD know you spell it DEFINATLY.
  7. There has been one man who started the personal abuse. The Owen Jones of the board, strop after strop, in a continuous attempt at displaying his mock offence.
  8. Ha ha. Donald's gonna get ye, Donald's gonna get ye...............
  9. Millions of people are thick? Bit general. The folk who write these lines while subsequently being played like a fiddle are the ones who should be questioning their own intellect.
  10. Any odds on this guy holding down the job he keeps rabbiting on about?
  11. The cover up, the lies and the attempt at a days work by emergency services that day was repugnant. I have been in situations when the desperation to get into a stadium took priority and I have pushed the crowds in front to get in. If I had been involved in an incident, I would have been part of the cause of the incident and therefore I could not complain if someone said the same about me, that I should not have pushed to get in. That, to me, is not repugnant.
  12. I have never found someone repugnant for telling the truth and have no idea why you would.
  13. It's the problem of not being able to express an opinion now without getting some discrimination tag. This is one of the greatest tennis players of all time, do you not think he has a fair idea how far ahead he is of women in tennis and who fans want to see on court. We should start listening to these people rather than jump on the stuff we don't like. To be even more ridiculous, should women football players not earn the same as men? No, because watching a womens game would tear the shirt off ye. Same as tennis, men are worth so much more.
  14. I have complained to them about this every two years for the last 10. It is the smallest XL I have ever came across and nothing has changed. The end result is they just don't get worn.
  15. The bit about the supermarket is the reason she now can't go out at night because creepy vile perverts (non western appearance) are making it too frightening for her. You listened to that part yet you still see nothing wrong in it.Do you behave like that? Are you in females' faces ready to grope and intimidate when they are around you? Surely this behaviour isn't being replicated by westerners too thinking it's ok to treat women this way. Are you married?
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