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Everything posted by Topcat

  1. I think the rumour when he signed for Chelsea was of the order of £2k per week - could be wrong though.
  2. I'd be surprised if Rothes went under for £30k - whilst just over this amount put paid to 3rd Lanark in 1967, I'm sure today something could be worked out to repay this relatively small amount over a few years and the cloth cut to suit - would be a shame to lose another club due to ropey financial bean counters behind the scenes. It would also show Scottish football in a better light if some sort of contributions scheme (by the 2 top leagues) was put together through the SFA/SJFA to prevent smaller clubs going to the wall - for what is essentially the price of a small home extension mortgaged over 15 years at about £200 per month.
  3. feckin brilliant as always - non stop as usual!
  4. I watched the 2nd half of this too and was struck by the very low attendance and the state of the pitch - as well as Fred continuing to be crap up front. Surely a team in a city with a population of 6 million can sell their seats or is the product really as gash as last nights match confirmed?
  5. 2 votes from me and the missus for Kirsten Oswald in East Renfrewshire seat ... ready for posting ramorra. #keepskeletorout
  6. OLAS was obviously on the wind-up given that the Jags only took about 200 a few miles across the city to sellick park midweek for the 2-0 game - given that stat the 600 sheep going to rugby park at midday was laudable
  7. Don't worry boyo - I'm sure your lecturers are tailoring the exam questions for lazy basteds like you!
  8. I agree with a previous poster - dispense with the audience. However I'd go further - have each candidate in a soundproofed booth and whilst they are delivering an answer the other microphones are switched off - there's nothing more annoying than a slanty-eyed slimy loud-mouthed creep getting away with countless interruptions.
  9. I'll bet he's got a fair few chums there all on a promise of an honour or 2 in the new year - hope someone pished on his black pudding
  10. Good to see Reporting Scotland Anything but the SNP tonight leading with Cameron's 10 minute stopover for breakfast in Edinburgh - no sign of debate yet.
  11. No real surprise - hours after someone at the Torygraph sticks a 1st Place label beside Sturgeon on the front page regarding her performance in the 7-way debate they are scurrying around scraping the barrel trying to put the boot in with a complete load of bollocks. I'd certainly hope that the electorate up here is a wee bit wiser since September and won't believe any of the avalanche of absolute sh*te that will flow from this and other "impartial" outlets in the coming weeks.
  12. Naw don't get the dug - if you do and leave it in the house 3 days per week you would be mad.. Concentrate on your wean and get the dug when they are about 6/7 years old.
  13. reckon you will lose your bet - I think India will give the Aussies a doing tonight
  14. I went to a state school and played both rugby and football - although the emphasis was always on the footy. To be honest kids today can't even be bothered with football let alone rugby - back in the 80's there were 50 Glasgow secondaries who nearly all had a team or two (or three) at every age level competing week in week out on red ash pitches and the dreaded Mitre mouldmaster - producing a wide pool of talent for clubs to scout. Now there are only 29 secondaries and you're lucky if there's more than half a dozen schools in each age range with a single squad. From a parents perspective rugby is inherently unsafe - there was a tackle yesterday on one of the French backs around the 70th minute of the game (can't find the video) where the impact on his neck in slow motion was simply horrific to see - he got up after a minute and played on thankfully but other posters are correct the game has changed and higher tackles seem to be the norm now
  15. Can't stand him or the club he plays for ... but ffs get some on this thread need to get a perspective ... he's a young bloke out on the piss is he meant to live like a monk and eat fekin salad for his whole professional career get a grip! ...and anyone that trusts that rag with the 'truth' deserves a real hard boot in the baws
  16. Last of the big spenders - but have you considered the tenner conundrum? At what point would you step it up to £11 - at £9 or £9.50 ?
  17. Help ma boab there are some shockers in there - giirls called Marvellous, Twisha, Twinkle & Summer-Blossom - one boy is callled just T - some parents need a boot in the haw maws
  18. one member of the Scotland squad sent home for racial tweet. Majid Haq (one of the under performing bowlers) not selected for the Sri Lanka game, alledely tweeted (taken from the BBC) "Always tougher when you're in the minority! #colour #race" - disappointing response to being dropped if true especially as he has represented the country over 200 times.
  19. indeed ... I wonder what the odds are on our next two opponents posting 400+ if they both bat first
  20. wicket down! - last man coming on - 5 balls left - 7 still needed
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