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Everything posted by Bzzzz

  2. think it's fair to say the dirty manc scumbags hold that acolade, they invented the "surrounding of the referee and greetin". Ryan Giggs being the most pathetic out of the lot of them.
  3. Would just give them another excuse to increase ticket prices.
  4. Drogba. Biggest cheat ever to walk amd fall into a fitba pitch.
  5. Aye fair enough,appreciate that,still disnae mean he's quality tho. Could fill the whole squad full of "triers" and good guys and get relegated.
  6. Bzzzz

    Soccer Am

    I can lend you a Gib ticket Malty, would need it back tho as is Mrs Bzzzz's! Am sure we could muster additional bodies guys,will need to know asap tho for work etc
  7. He's a trier ill give him that but quality wise he's way off the mark. I do genuinely think he's rubbish.
  8. You and me both,think he's the most overrated player in the epl,he was invisible today and often is against decent opposition.
  9. I can't believe they buried him on a car park in the first place! A bit disrespectful no?
  10. Ref was poor but Liverpool were just not there. Really need to invest in players of better quality then Henderson Allen & Lallana. Nae chance of a place in top 4 otherwise.
  11. It's been the way since they lost their assumed right to power in 2007. They are just the party of hate now. Their jealousy and blind hatred of the SNP just clouds everything they do, all they can do is pump out spite and envy. Since McConnell was in charge they just reduced themselves to a pathetic, childish shower whose only input has been objection and petty insults and snide comments. I find it astonishing that ANYONE would waste their vote on them. You look at their MSPs over the last 7 years and it is no wonder they are in such dire straits. Gray, Murphy, Lamont, McConnell, Baillie, Dugdale, Sarwar.. not the slightest hint of a decent politician between them. Add in the shitebags from the rest of their party, Davidson, Brown, Darling, Hood, McDougal, McTernan etc etc what a revolting party!? why would ANYONE vote for them! ridiculous. That's all you can say about them, they're ridiculous. Add into all of this their behaviour through the referendum and well...
  12. I hope we don't have a relapse into wintery weather,can be really damaging for bees.
  13. Bzzzz

    Lee Wallace

    Apologies for the insult. Assumption made in error.
  14. Bzzzz

    Lee Wallace

    Didn't show much "loyalty" to Hearts did he... Accepting years in the lower leagues for a good young player was just ridiculous and such a waste. Look at the likes of Christophe Berra, arguably not as good a player but has made a far better job of his career progression. All criticism is entirely justified, over sensitive from "The Rangers" supporters, what a surprise.
  15. That's not the way I read it,I read it as these times are about the destruction of labour not just one election.
  16. Bumblebees don't produce enough honey to be harvested unfortunately. I'm going into honeybee keeping this year I hope if I can sort out the equipment in time and find a mentor but the bumblebee nesting boxes is purely as a hobby, have always loved bumblebees, always handled them, since I was a wee boy and love to see them doing well. It's SO rewarding seeing your garden full of bees you've had a wee hand in helping out. They're struggling a bit too so every little helps!
  17. Awesome fella, that's all the little help they need! makes ye feel braw eh? good deed for the day and all that!
  18. Can't wait, got a new garden to build up too so all excitement! will need to have the boxes ready for next weekend tho as the queens will be out looking soon so need to be ready for them!
  19. Magic First bee of the year, was a Bombus Pratorum queen, time to get the boxes ready Happy day!
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