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Everything posted by irnbruman

  1. I wouldn't knob her with anyone else's never mind my own. How many brown paper bags would ye need?
  2. Watched him on Sunday brunch today. Seems to be getting back there after looking ill for a while. He looks the typical gallus cheek chappy that should be on TA trips. Dunno if anyone has met him, comes across really well.
  3. Virtually every time I turn the TV on , this bint seems to be there. I just detest her, her mannerisms, her speech, her "Ive just ran into the back of a bus" mush. TV seems to be obsessed with her presenting everything. Get her tae fook.
  4. We are the ice cream tartan army - compulsory on a trip. Latimer insists on having a steak though.
  5. You will have got right up Eddards nose by stealing his rightful user name.
  6. Matea with chief troll and hard man andreimack as well eh.....
  7. It doesn't matter who you vote for - you have just shown that you will vote for anyone i.e no principles - just blind hatred.
  8. Peasoupblu - a perfect example of Red Tories, Blue Tories or Lib Dem Tories - or is he UKIP. That is why Labour will be detested here - they are willing to be in bed with the Tories rather than stand for old labour values. Think you have just shown yourself to be rather pathetic.
  9. Small steps. Unless Scottish government call a snap election which is unlikely, then efforts should be concentrated on having a many YES mps as possible at Westminster whether this is SNP, Green or any alliance. Must be concentrated to destroy labour in Scotland. There is not a cat in hell's chance of Milliband obtaining a majority in the general election. It is imperative for the future purposes of Independence that labour are trounced in thesamee way as the tories are here. Will be interesting to see what the staunch no voters decide to do for the general election.
  10. Can recommend the Sphinx restaurant in centre of Warsaw. One of a chain of 4/5 in Warsaw. Food was cheap and excellent. Fantastic fillet steak.
  11. Press down here virtually ignoring the content of Milliband's speech and concentrating on him forgetting parts of it. Labour supporters must be aware that there is no chance of this clown being elected as Prime Minister but no time to change it. His time is up - but when? In my opinion the worst leader of a political party that I can ever recall.
  12. I used to go to the old Murrayfield years ago for all the internationals. Since rugby became professional with all the rule changes I'm afraid its like watching paint dry. So for years now Ive not really given a shit about the Scotland rugby team. Knowing that the support are mostly NO voters I'll give even less of a shit. Better off watching proper rugby like Wigan Warrington St Helens , Leeds.
  13. Given its Ibrox - they might well be banning Saltires! BBC wouldn't report that though.
  14. I spoke to my Dad about the goings on Friday night. As a pensioner he still uses the internet but only for football reasons , so he gets his news from BBC , Daily Record etc. In his view Friday night was a clash of rival supporters. That's the media for you.
  15. Just watching Ed Balls make a pathetic speech at their conference. Him and Milliband are sorry weak excuses for human beings. Never thought Id ever hear myself saying that I detest Labour more than the Tories but that's the way it has become. Milliband, Balls , Harman, Curran, Lamont, Murphy et all - ffs what a bunch. I really hope they are eradicated from Scotland. Who will these numbskulls that infested Glasgow on Friday night vote for ? That's if they can be bothered. I think we will see an upsurge in UKIP in Scotland - not a big one -but hopefully the YES campaign can co-ordinate and ensure a much bigger representation at Westminster - first real objective towards independence again.
  16. That photo says it all for me. I don't hero worship any man or woman but as for respect - he has it in spades.
  17. Lots of good points in your post Pool, but prior to the next Scottish election is the general election next May. If everyone who voted YES gets behind SNP/Green/SSC etc , there is no way Labour in Scotland can counteract this. The emphasis must be on procuring substantially more YES MPs in the house of commons. More a statement of feeling throughout Scotland than the limited effectiveness that Scottish MPs will have. An added bonus would be the eradication of Scottish Labour which is essential.
  18. Two buckets of puke walking down the road.. One bursts into tears - "Whats up wi you " one says - "Och its nostalgia - I was brought up around here"
  19. I personally think he should be banned for deliberate goading of people. Even if he came back in another guise I would imagine he would be instantly recognisable by the nature of his posts.
  20. Me as well. I got banned for so called personal abuse against him. He doesn't contribute anything other than to wind people up with his "smart" one - liners. Best to just ignore him - he wont like that.
  21. I initially said yesterday in the aftermath of the vote that for me the lyrics were no longer relevant. Having thought about it and seen the "45" reaction on social media , we aren't going to lie down and die. The actions off this Westminster government will eventually cause some off the NO voters to see the error of their ways and most of these old selfish bastards that voted NO will die off to be replaced with younger more savvy voters. So in essence FOS lyrics have become more applicable and can be sung proudly in anger. We can still rise now and be a nation again. the Unionist bas tards who seek to quell us.
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