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Everything posted by Toepoke

  1. "We'd all be speaking German if it wasn't for the Union". The kind of rubbish my old man comes out with on his way hame fae the pub...
  2. Lynsey Sharp was debating against Michael Stewart on the radio the other day. A bit surprised given her dad is part of Sport for Yes....
  3. Is it not more a case of brushing off what the BBC reports that these businesses are saying?...
  4. Aye, if they've been that worried about their future business in Scotland why wait till a week before polling to outline their fears?...
  5. Agreed. I think this onslaught is going to need some amount of debunking...
  6. Where are they going to go? All their branches are here!
  7. It's not been all bad on the Beeb. Emily Maitliss bitchslapping Beaker was fun. Patrick Harvie was very good on Scotland 2014 as was the discussion on the relevance of the Tories in an independent Scotland...
  8. He was certainly hammering the point that it followed the Yougov poll and the subsequent City uncertainty. But it's pretty clear which side of the argument he's pushing for...
  9. David Clegg seems quite confident that his poll is correct on Scotland Tonight now (mind you he would be)
  10. Daily Mail, BBC spinning it like so... STV slightly differently....
  11. On the other hand the English Sun is asking readers to lovebomb friends and relatives in Scotland...
  12. In Feruz case he seems to have a major attitude problem, not sure how he'll get on in the game at all. Burgess grew up in Australia so maybe feels more affinity to the place, can't fault him for that. McGeady and McCarthy slightly more complicated reasons there, and it's been done to death. Disappointing but we move on....
  13. The Sun seem to bee eeking towards it, looking at things like at today's page 1, Bill Leckie changing his vote last week etc. Andy Nicol the political editor is not exactly opposed to the idea of independence either...
  14. "Darling BBC". Is that how Better Together start off their press releases?
  15. Aye, those were the figures polled after the last Salmond - Darling debate...
  16. Seeing the highlights I think a yellow for Muller was right enough. Agree about the injury time though. And Mulgrew must be in a select band of players sent off for delaying a game they were losing...
  17. Have to admit there was a lot of that game I didn't remember!
  18. Saw their feature on Galloway's gig in Paisley. "The town's not seen anything like this since Gerry Rafferty". Aye right, there were more folk at ma wean's nativity play...
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