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Everything posted by thplinth

  1. Me too. I winced a little hearing the day of reckoning comment but watching that he is an impressive guy.
  2. I agree with you. I sense there is a growing disconnect between what the polls, the bookies and the street tell me. The bookies do not reconcile with the polls and the polls do not reconcile with the street. Whatever the truth of it if we really do have the street the polls and the bookies can go fukk themselves.
  3. Jim Sillars is very good. Not seen much of him before. And the questions were so heavily loaded, he did really well not to lose patience. The BBC are vile.
  4. Companies typically don't takes sides in politics because it is always bad for business. What the managers who run BP have done is potentially very damaging to the interests of BP. They gambled the reputation of BP and risked its future growth here. Why? How is that in the interests of BP? Obviously it is not but the people running it are happy to let it be used this way. What if there is a Yes vote? Lots of new fields to be dished out in North Sea, why would BP think it was getting any? It interefered in the outcome of the election and tried to thwart it. They'd be viewed very unfavourably for a quite a time after that, very bad for future business to compromise your political neutrality because you always deeply piss off about 50% of the population no matter what side you choose. All of these directors (of RBS, BP Standard Life) are employees not the controlling owners. What they are doing here is deserting their fiduciary duties and using these companies as a w@nk sock for their own political spurtings. But when you have the BBC openly campaigning for No while censoring the FM who is going to report on it or go ask the shareholders how they feel about it.
  5. Thatcherism and then the utter betrayal of Blair have brought us to this moment as much as the SNP that is for sure. The complete corruption of westminster and seeming to desire to dissolve the people and import another one, the failure to prosecute anyone in the city for the greatest financial fraud the world has ever seen while giving out six months to people taking a bottle of water out a ransacked shop. For bailing out the crooks while looking the other way and then sending us the fukking bill. Two faced, duplicitous, elitist ratbags, in it for their own shallow gains who collectively do not give a shit about us and sell us out at every opportunity to their big business donors. That plus being the inherently thick useless thieveing arseholes that they are they have run one of the laughably worst campaigns I have ever seen from start to finish. I guess going into a war with all the guns on their side bred a sense of over confidence and now despite it all they could actually get beat. And folk wonder we want away from them. They should be chased down the street every time they show their faces. Westminster is rancid folks and has been for a while now. We are too small a group to change that but we can change this.
  6. They will have a production line of these stooges and scare stories lined up for between now and Thursday with the BBC breathlessly carry each one as if it was true. Everyone of them will be a con job of some kind. Just like Standard Life and RBS you do not have to look to hard to see the strings being pulled.
  7. ...before the RBS had formally made the decision... So the treasury played the ball to the BBC who then set up Salmond and refused to show his answer. Is anyone in any doubt anymore? Disgusting.
  8. The Treasury briefed journalists about RBS's intention to relocate to London if Scotland were to go for independence, before RBS's board had formally made the decision to announce the move, I have learned. In a related development, the First Minister of Scotland has accused the Treasury in a new letter to the Cabinet Secretary of a "politically motivated breach of all accepted protocols on market sensitive information", in the way that it disclosed to the media on Wednesday evening that Royal Bank of Scotland was planning to move its legal home across the border.
  9. Allow me to translate ps some utter garbage about how 5m scots 'balance' 60m english. Ehhh no they can't one is over 10 times the size of the other, it is physically impossible, and that is one huge reason why we are having this vote, a nation of 5m can never be partners or in a union with a nation of 60m, that is really just a takeover, even the city would agree.
  10. And these comments all passed moderation. A mix from the Telegraph and the DM. Can you imagine what the ones that failed moderation were like? Being on the receiving end of all of this it feels much more deep rooted than just this referendum. Kernie was all over any anti englishness on here but there was never anything even remotely approaching these levels of anti scottishness that we are seeing in the english press. Personally I have had enough hearing about anti englishness from the NO camp when all this hatred in the english press gets effectively ignored and downplayed. But I agree they are in a minority and most English people are not haters.
  11. I do not feel it is an overstatement to say that the BBC has actively joined in the NO campaign at this point. This is not bias, taken collectively it is way beyond that now.
  12. The way that little rat Nick Robinson immediately asked the question again to Salmond after he gave the reply seemed weird at the time. Obviously now I think he knew fine well Salmond would be edited out. This is now becoming outright lying and false reporting by the BBC.
  13. I have no idea how it is so close given the full spectrum dominance the NO campaign has on all the media. (Then you have the massed ranks of every opposition party and the City etc etc etc...all conniving together to defeat Yes. Yes on the other hand are the SNP and well...just us. Despite this tsunami of threats and misinformation it is seemingly neck and neck, it is amazing really. How are we even in this fight I wonder. So I think people clearly are not all stupid and I am starting to seriously wonder if NO have overplayed this. No one watching this last week could be in any doubt that we are seeing a coordinated attempt using every avenue possible to bully and intimidate us into voting No. Get back in your box or things will be bad for you Jocko. There will be no justice, in this battle, just us. We got this far with zero help from outside and everyone trying to stop us. I don't think anyone really knows what is going to happen in that booth as It really is now a stark choice between voting for hope or voting for fear.
  14. It has been like this for months and months and months now. Every paper every article you can find comments similar or worse. It was always there but the referendum has brought it to the surface in a big way. We are constantly fed that scots are anti english but the reality is you cannot find it, what you find instead is vast fields of anti scottish commentary. This referendum has revealed that it is not us with a problem with the English but the English who have the problem with us. Fangs pouring venom for having the temerity to consider independence. I wish Kernie was here to defend it but I don't think even he could. I think this aspect has probably taken most of us aback more than anything else. There is no going back from this now.
  15. Steve, Norfolk England, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago 70% of the English want the Scots to remain part of the UK, Ha ha ha ha ha Come off of it DM everybody I have asked about it have all said the Scots should clear off, but in far worst language than that. You are making this up. I do not believe it you mean 70% of the English want the Scots to ___ off. Sunshine, UK, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago Most of the English people i know, would rather the Scots went, fell over and came crying to come back. I'm fed up with hearing how bad the Scots have it with their free higher educations, and free prescriptions - stop your whinging! off you go, i'll close the door behind you. (Although rant over, most Scots i know are lovely people) I could literally keep this up all day, the material is endless, endless!
  16. nd then we have this little gem in response to the headline "Seven in 10 English want Scots to remain part of the UK...and most think THEY should have a vote, reveals Mail poll" Why indeed Alan, sorry Alex.
  17. So glad they got rid of PGB for being humourless and club oriented only to reinstate you Bewlay. BTW I see you've been here 5 minutes and managed to make over 8000 posts. Neil_r will be apoplectic so I'd watch out.
  18. BTW the hit piece in the Daily Mail on Salmond is quite something to behold...Did losing an English girl's love turn Salmond into a raging Nat? QUENTIN LETTS delves into the mind of the man who wants to destroy the UK
  19. Some stay together friends in the Telegraph, you really don't have to look far at all..
  20. Instead of berrating Alan (for being Alan) People should use this thread to post examples of the anti scottish bigotry that can be found littered around the comments sections of every major english newspaper. I'll kick it off... Comment in the Daily Mail this morning...
  21. Do people actually believe those are real letters? "Once, I also dreamt of an independent Scotland, the master of its own destiny. I voted SNP, cheered Scotland and anyone opposing England. Then I moved to England in the late 1990s, as an ‘economic refugee’. To my discomfort, I found the English (aside from their annoying habit of calling Britain ‘England’) were just like us: worried about their kids’ education; lamenting summer weather; concerned with their own daily challenges; despairing of (and largely unrepresented by) their government. "To my discomfort..." These letters are are all made up bullshit.
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