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Everything posted by Clyde1998

  1. That one run was an extra as well. 1-2 after two overs.
  2. Yes. I don't know if highlights are on a different channel though.
  3. I think - realistically - there is only two winnable games for Scotland in this competition. Afghanistan and Bangladesh. Others probably too strong for us at this point.
  4. Roses are red - actually they're pink or white. Violets are blue - No! They're violet - it's in the ing name! I've got OCD. And shít at writing poems.
  5. Judging by this game - it's no surprise Hearts are a long way clear of these two.
  6. It was a poor decision, but as usual with indirect free-kicks in the box - it's just blocked anyway...
  7. Aren't SYRIZA is a collation with a far right party though? That could skew it...
  8. From the SFA website: "Interestingly, there was a marked difference between SSC respondents and the social media view. While 65% of the 23,000 social media responses were in favour of official recognition, 60% of the 12,606 SSC respondents were not in favour."
  9. I'm slightly to the left of them. Although, the questions don't really as about policies that might make me more or less likely to vote for a party (or be near a party of this scale). There are also religiousy questions - that are irrelevant to UK politics (outside of NI).
  10. That's brilliant! There's one just before the general election -[County Grand Orange Lodge Of Glasgow] - with around 700 expected to participate. That could raise money to the yes parties fund for the GE. Or it could be done for the 4th July parades in Glasgow - which celebrate 'the twelfth' I believe.
  11. New Zealand 2014 Germany 2013 Australia 2013 Canada 2011 Ireland 2011 EU Governments 2012 Scotland is currently the most left wing country in the EU [based on the 2012 results].
  12. The Tweet refers to Dugdale and Maureen Child not standing for Westminster. No word on Murphy yet...
  13. A Blackpool forum - Back Henry Street - is being sued £150,000 by Blackpool's owners for 'libel'. I'm told by members of the forum that they only made comments about wanting the owner to leave the club and about how badly the club was being run. What ever happened to freedom of speech? They have an e-petition here: Madness...
  14. The issue with that is that the Greens don't usually have constituency candidates - as they don't have much chance of winning consistencies (for the reasons you mentioned about FPTP).
  15. If there was a question on independence - then Labour would slide down quite a lot of people's lists.
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