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Caledonian Craig

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Everything posted by Caledonian Craig

  1. Regret? Not at all. If he didn't have the patience to wait and fight for a place in the Scotland squad then he obviously did not want it badly enough. Not the sort of character we need in the team.
  2. It still smacks of very poor by Yes movement. If you watch all of the televised debates big point scoring was always done by Better Together on the EU membership matter - that is not up for debate. And what they were doing was making a false promise in hindsight. Those in the Yes movement would have known by then about the Brexit vote impending and should have hit back. Their stance should have been that the Tory government are working to end EU membership as we speak and quoted Tory plans. But no - nothing. We rolled over and allowed Better Together to wade in with BS and mop up many thousands of pro-EU voters and make the Yes movement look like they had no plan. Sure it was fighting dirty by Better Together and if there is an IndyRef2 then Yes2 has to be far better prepared with all the right answers and responses to all the bullshit flung at them from Better Together2. It is Scotland's independence at stake here we are not playing by the Marquess of Queensbury rules.
  3. After 2014 we had all the nauseous BS about Scotland being 'a valued partner' of the UK. And about equal partner. Let us test that theory with this proposed bill. Tell Westminster any part of the bill used for matters involving Scotland has to get passed by the Scottish Parliament first. Three guesses what the answer to that would be?
  4. It does re-enforce my view that IndyRef2 really needs to happen sooner rather than later. Strike whilst the iron is hot and don't allow people's feeling of betrayal and being cheated to simmer down and return to passiveness.
  5. Oh I am not arguing with any of that but just feel now, in hindsight, what an open goal was missed/overlooked and allowed to be used by Better Together to the detriment of the Yes argument. Basically, Better Together used pure hypotheticals as fact and as that Radio Clyde commentator said on Faddy's goal in Paris we were 'suckered'.
  6. The first time the Tories said they'd back a Brexit vote came 18 months before IndyRef. And yet Better Together painted a far different picture kidding people voting No was the only way to secure EU membership and people fell for it whilst it was clear at that time that EU membership was under threat. The Yes movement should have been onto that from January 2013 right up until ballot day but they never. They allowed Better Together to bull shit their way to more votes and make the Yes movement look amateurish in the process.
  7. In hindsight now the Yes movement missed out on a big chance. If you thing how the IndyRef campaigning went in 2014 many people's heads were turned by Better Together insisting a vote for No to ensure your place in Europe and many fell for that hook, line and sinker. The Yes movement had no real comeback of substance to it. However, why the hell did they not use it to their favour. After all rumours were bubbling and Tories were promising a Brexit vote as early as January 2013 a full 18 months before the IndyRef vote. Why did the Yes movement not make so much more of this and say that the UK government were actively seeking a Brexit vote so EU membership was not guaranteed at all. Or more to the point perhaps it may have made more sense to even take it further and say IndyRef should be paused until after the Brexit vote as it was such a key part on the whole debate. Opportunities missed.
  8. Agreed. Could add Kenny McLean and Kenny Miller to that list but as you say I am certain there are lots more.
  9. Robertson stinker of an error gifts Arsenal a goal.
  10. I'd say so. Oliver Burke I think was 19 when debuting in the Bundesliga.
  11. I agree. Early days yet mind but so far the signs are promising......straight into the side which looks like they are on their way to a win.
  12. Well lets be honest here the Tories were never a major political force in Scotland. They like to project this image that they are but they haven't been the biggest party in Scotland for three generations. What with their double dealing on Brexit and mis-management of Brexit I'd be gobsmacked if people still feel they can be trusted. Labour have seen their support evaporate quickly in the last ten years - a route back for them in Scotland? Well a start may be if they were to be far more flexible on Scottish Independence issue but I cannot see that happening so they will continue to blow their own foot off with a sawn-off shotgun.
  13. Aww come on what does trivial stuff like that matter. Let people like him blow us out and wait for England then when they come with their tail between their legs claiming eligibility and some gullible nay desperate fans will welcome them. Not me.
  14. Got to take a few things into perspective though. It was Murray's first game on clay for over three years. Wawrinka had two preparation tournaments on clay going into this unlike Murray. This is only his sixth match back on the tour circuit after a very long time out and having a new hip fitted. Murray's game has always bee built around his first serve (it was way off today) and hitting with power which will only come back with time and more match play. His game strength too was always court speed and fitness but he's been unable to get that block of training in due to the pandemic so his game loses something then. And lets not forget that Stan Wawrinka is the better clay court player. They have now played on the surface six times and Wawrinka leads 5-1. When you have been out of the sport for so long, a sport that is a physical one at that you are never going to return and slip right into tournament winning form. It takes time to shake off rust, get your touch and feel back and improve your match fitness.
  15. Agreed - a truly bizarre end along with the histrionics afterwards. Maybe he thought he'd try and make out he'd been hit by a low blow. Who knows? Embarrassing though.
  16. It's all this three at the back crap for us. It has scrambled his brain and upset his equilibrium.
  17. Shankland on the mark again for Dundee United.
  18. Well we've moved quick to get him involved.
  19. And do we know that he hasn't already asked him? There are many article (recently) of Bardsley talking about his career just now and nowhere does he mention an interest in getting back into the Scotland squad. Read into that what you will.
  20. Along the same lines, I'd heard he had asked for a 'time out' from international football. In that case - good riddance.
  21. Aye but it didnae stop Berti Vogts grassing him up.
  22. Best wishes Jim. Consistently, probably the greatest goalkeeper Scotland have ever had.
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