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Everything posted by Mee

  1. infected bloke was on a flight from London to Glasgow last night 9pm, if i was on that one i would be shittin myself
  2. I don't get that argument. It's a lot of hassle to get your name on a shirt for a team that might qualify in 3 4 years
  3. there are lots of wrist bands that claim to have heart rate monitoring but if you dig a bit deeper you need to wear one of those elasticated straps round your chest. there are a couple coming on sale now that take your pulse from your wrist.
  4. Im waiting for the jawbone 3 to be released, i want one with 24 hr heart rate tracking.
  5. Pure gambling IMO and normally leveraged too. You can have no way of knowing all the things happening that would make markets go one way or another.
  6. How long have the club kept up the initiative. It takes several years for people behaviours to turn round. Going back to the Ice Hockey example its taken several seasons of a few folk going, having a good night and telling their mates. A few more go to the next game and repeat. The Scottish football authorities have been pissing on fans for over a decade and now its starting to get to the crunch point
  7. League games should also be on almost always on a saturday. They have messed about game going fans too much by moving the times.
  8. summer football, stop treating the fans like crap and introduce standing areas for those that want that.
  9. Beckham did that with a penalty, now that was funny. What a dive too!
  10. There is also a department solely dedicated to advising players on such matters as tax, mental health, drinking, drugs and social media. Osborne hailed the complex as a model example for others to follow.
  11. Don't want to go all Match of the Day pundit on the video but the time and space alloa had on the ball is incredible. Even when the balls passed into the box he has about 5 yards
  13. There arent many other countries where an unlocked astro pitch would be set on fire.
  14. amber you should stop if you can. Red you should definitely have stopped cause you had a few seconds of amber as a warning.
  15. 3 billion is a lot of money to save an old impractical building. Nothing lasts forever, they should cut their losses
  16. Too many politician who are skilled at talking for an hour and not saying a single thing. The next leader of labour could be chuka umunna. I've seen him on a stack of program's on the telly and never heard one coherent answer. Slimy slimy folk at the top of all the main parties just now, main skill is to duck and weave and be totally inoffensive.
  17. I reckon it was, look how thick and common the people in this area are. Let's ignore the fact that they are voting for UKIP.
  18. What message do you think this tweet was intended to convey?
  19. It wasn't intended to be supportive of the people in the house. If you switch the flags for saltires it wouldn't have gone down well here either.
  20. only 482 retweets too. doesnt take much now to cause a ridiculous media storm. If she had hung on for 1 day it would have been forgotten
  21. one of them anyway
  22. Prob something to do with that
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