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Everything posted by phart

  1. Will need to catch up, all the MMA over the weekend inverted my sleep pattern. Missed the last 2 stages live as was snoozing.
  2. You're not picking anyone up, you're essentially saying nothing but you disagree. " HAHA. This must be a new low even for you " was your "analysis" of the comment.
  3. The first year i went 1999, someone went mental with an axe and they cordoned off a huge area, in which my tent was inside. In 2003 we had to basically "coerce" 6 neds to move their tent (next our encampment). As two of them were brothers and one had set the others tent on fire at 3am, which backed right on to mine, then he tried to jump me cause i wasn't happy with burning tents around me. I stopped going about 2007 when it got really bad for confrontations. I liked a smoke then, and trying to chill with coked up pissheads with their tops off reeking of BO wanting to fight was getting pretty hard, got skelped with a glass bottle of merrydown full of piss that someone flung int he air as well, hit me on the shoulder ,luckily not over the napper. the first couple of years were amazing, plenty of space to walk about, really friendly atmosphere, chilled out campsite (Axe attack excepted) . Also bumping into folk you haven't seen in ages. Music is subjective, i just followed folk around i know feck all about music. The festival seems pretty feral these days.
  4. I had just finished watching the UFC card when i noticed this was happening. Some crazy footage. The shooters had some sort of training. The way they moved was educated. Someone caught one of the cops engaging with one of the shooters and the cop just didn't have the experience to deal with it.. Shooter shoots one side of the pillar the cop is using for cover, then immediately sprints to the other side and behind the cop and shoots him point blank in the back with what looks like an assault rifle. It's disturbing. Didn't realise what i was watching till too late. Bad state of affairs.
  5. You can't apply common sense to folk getting paid millions, otherwise you wouldn't pay them millions. It's to do with revenue generation, and Williams sisters and others (Big 4 in mens) bring in most of the revenue from advertisement etc. god knows how you could give everyone what they "deserve".
  6. Dave Chappelle did a whole routine from the Bush angle back in 2003. NSFW (swearing)
  7. I must admit Mi6 using an image from the film "The Rock" as part of their false narrative is news to me. Journalists need to be looked at as well, getting tricked by images from films etc. I see john Rentoul has been writing reams in defence of Tony already.
  8. The American senate hearings had already dealt with a lot of the problems with the joint intelligence. Office of special plans under douglas feith making shit up and then getting Powell to say it at the UN. Brits stealing phd projects "sexxing them up". Anyone speaking out either put on TV at 3am or hounded to shut up.
  9. The whole shambles was engineered. Fake intelligence about a meeting between Atta and Iraqi intelligence in Prague to hand over Anthrax. Fake intelligence about "yellow cake". An ambassador(Joseph Wilson) blew the whistle on the yellow cake, and his wife Valerie Plame was outed as a CIA agent in retribution. See the Plame Affair and bush on last day of office issuing pardons. The Anthrax was actually made in Ames America and was destroyed by the FBI. Douglas Feith office making up fake intelligence, see all the senate testimony on it. I can't be fecked arguing it all again. Look up Oded Yinon plan.
  10. Thyroid medicine as well. The average speeds are up again. However i've stated what i think loads of times I don't think anyone disagrees there is a possibility of doping these days. Folk wouldn't even accept that talk 10 years ago, so folk less naive about what they are watching, but you can still enjoy it as much.
  11. they got caught big in 1998, deaths due to drugs during races, deaths in training (EPO era), then the guy who won all 7 tours after the huge bust during the "clean era" and medical miracle and beacon to cancer sufferers everywhere was shown to be a cheat. You're right about all sports though. I'd like to think i've been consistent in thinking almost everyone cheats, I did mention the possibility of Murray cheating to Parkie he rubbished me though.
  12. Salmond weighing in.
  13. All the teams with a few clean folk (basically how it has been since I can remember). Misusing TUE, next generation EPO, steroids specifically testosterone cultivated from animals instead of plants (much harder to detect), various other drugs which aren't know to testers yet. , with the look away attitudes of the sponsors and governing body who can provide a much better spectacle with dopers than without. This has been the trend in cycling for decades the question should be, what evidence do you have it has stopped? I enjoy the spectacle it's not fair and open competition though.
  14. The press is bad, even when it is saying things you want it to. Got to keep that in mind.
  15. Cav being a top 10 british sportsman/woman ever is a ludicrous statement. Wiggins/Froome and Cook have all accomplished more. Then you have Chris Hoy and Cavendish. So he is a top 4/5 british cyclist ever, but also top 10 sportsperon ever. He's one of the best sprinters ever in cycling. Modern sports though...wins stage today, out comes hyperbole.
  16. Who would have thought the the cultural cancer of the unthinking american left of SJW and "the triggered" would come to the TAMB. All they have is labels, no reason.
  17. She calling someone a "C**k and screeching about it being personal. She was also talking about folk taking a blowtorch to her neck. I think she was probably getting called out on her brass neck and is too stupid to realise. EDITY: ah i see someone has told her eventually. lol Some of the behaviour is irrational like panicked behaviour. Trying to figure out what the panic is, it really scaring some folk.
  18. I wonder how much blackmail is being used. Knowing what sick shit goes down with the establishment i'm sure a few of them are compromised.
  19. I don't know what you're saying. I'm saying if you think Melanie Philips is right wing wait till you see what she writes in the Israeli press.
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