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One More To Yes - Inspiring Facebook Post

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For the last 2 years, I’ve been firmly in the No camp. I’m proud to be British. I’ve made no secret of my dislike of Alex and some of his policies. My feelings there haven’t changed but over the last month my views have. I’ve waited for Better Together to convince me that we actually are and they just haven’t. The leader of the Union, a man who’d be “heartbroken” if we left didn’t feel it was his place to fight for us. They waited until a week before to dangle the “more power” carrot. Why not offer it 2 yrs. ago? They waited until a week before to bother showing face. Now I'm supposed to vote No cause Miliband was on a Number 26 bus?
We’ve now got all the scare stories coming out about higher prices and all the doom and gloom we can expect…and it is just stories because all these ‘facts’ are simply best guesses and contingency measures because not I, not you, not them, no-one actually know what will happen next for sure. Thing is though we’ll never know if we don’t try.
Together we have lost most of our industries. Together we’ve lost around 65 countries – not one of which has asked to come back. Together we privatised everything and created a wealth divide. Are we really Better Together? If we are why do we have families lining up to use food banks, children going hungry, more people in fuel poverty than ever, huge housing waiting lists, the disabled being hit by cuts? If that’s as good as we can do for our country over 300 yrs. of work then it’s shit.
We have 8.3% of the population of the UK but we have 32% of the land, 90% of the fresh water, 65% of the natural gas, 96% of the crude oil, 46% of the forests, 40% of the wind wave and solar energy production, 62% of the timber production, 60% of the fish landing, 30% of the beef herd, 20% of the potatoes, 15% of the cereal crop, 92% of the hydroelectric production. We have billions of pounds worth of trade and exports. Most of all though we are a population of creative, inventive and explorative minds, there’s no arguing with that when we look at what we’ve contributed to the world, who have the ability to create opportunities and make the best of our resources. These resources give us a great base to start from.
Lots of people are saying No because they’re scared. How can you justify that when you have no idea what will happen tomorrow but you still make plans? What is there to fear? Like it or loathe it the SNP run us in budget as it is. Their figures might be wonky to me but they’ve proven they can manage a budget. For every job potentially lost there will be a new gap in the market. This is about my children’s future and their children’s future. The best people to decide our futures are us. The best people to run our country are us. The best people to decide our best interests are us. I want our elderly cared for without having to give up everything they worked for to get that care, I want our kids educated in things that matter...useful life skills not the theories of ancient greeks, I want our NHS to be safe, I want our streets to be safe. Right now my voice isn't heard among the 60m others. I didn't vote for the current UK govt. How many of us did? It's a part of our politics in the UK. It's not democracy, it's geography. We will get what England choose. That's not their fault. That's just how the numbers go. My voice will be louder if I am one of 6m. We have a chance to get what many countries fight bloody wars for without a single bullet being shot. I don’t want to miss this chance because I was too scared to try. And I hope if you're undecided you won't let fear stop all means let something else stop you. That's your right but don't gamble the future on "What if" because "What if" works both ways.
So it might be Euros, it might be pounds, it might be juice bottles. It won’t be easy, there will be bumps ahead but voting No cause my beans might increase? Voting No because Nigel Farage says I should? I don’t think so. It's not about the SNP, Salmond or any one individual. Team Scotland will be made up of all our best people from all our parties and together they will fight for the best divorce settlement they can for us. We've tried it this way for centuries and it’s not working. We can't stay together for the sake of the kids, we can't stay with them because they're pregnant. If they wanted us they should have treated us better, they should have put a ring on it! It’s time to try something else.
So I’m going to do something that was unthinkable a few months ago. On 18th I will be voting Yes.
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