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Everything posted by DonnyTJS

  1. And besides, where else is one supposed to balance one's chocolate hobnob?
  2. Always good to see the NY Dolls. Patti Smith, released as a 12": Coupled with:
  3. If the brothers are being referred to by 'they' (and I agree that they are), why does the grammar suggest otherwise? In terms of syntax, the Midianites are the antecedents of 'they'. Another apparent oddity: Judges 8:24 feels the need to explain that the Midians were Ishmaelites (they wore gold earrings "because they were Ishmaelites"). As the words were purely 'synonymous' and 'interchangeable', why would such an explanation be necessary - especially since the author has already used the terms interchangeably without feeling the need for such an explanation back in Genesis 37? If we take the Bible to be the word of God, this would suggest that a ) God's syntax was careless; and b ) she had forgotten that she'd used Midianites and Ishmaelites synonymously, and without explanation, in an earlier book by the time she came to Judges 8. An alternative explanation is this. The Old Testament comprises a number of traditional narratives that have been interwoven by editors. German scholarship in the 19th century unpicked the different narrative threads and was able to explain many of the apparent contradictions in the Bible (somebody blogs about it here if anyone's interested). The confused syntax and terminology in Genesis 37 stems from the stitching together of two texts, the 'E text' (from 'Elohist', due to this narrative employing the generic name 'Elohim' for 'God') and the 'J text' (from 'Yahwist', as this narrative uses the term 'Yahweh' - Jehovah - the Israelites' name for God, translated in many English Bibles as 'Lord God' whereas 'Elohim' is translated as simply 'God'). It is due to different versions of fundamentally the same stories being knit together that we have 'God' creating humans, male and female, in Genesis 1:27, and 'Lord God' creating woman from Adam's rib in Genesis 2:22; and a number of the confusing elements elsewhere, including the Flood narrative.
  4. "The backbone of modern British culture." It's an impressive piece of 21st century journalism: a mildly post-modern piss-take that manages to mock its readers under a guise of sticking it to the nats, all the while filling column inches which is all that matters to the writers of such pieces. He must be well chuffed.
  5. Must search that one out. Those Naughty Lumps had a single called Iggy Pop's Jacket. There's a wardrobe-related thread crying to be born if anyone were sad enough.
  6. Ever been to Swindon or Hemel Hempstead? They are the driving equivalent of being dropped in a foreign land without a phrasebook.
  7. You're right about the Malay emergency as a know a couple of NS who were involved. I think my dad was due to be shipped off to Suez too, before the withdrawal.
  8. Maybe superior to Bowie, but his wasn't the original...
  9. You mean like one statement saying that Joseph was pulled out of a hole by some Midianite merchants and sold for 20 shekels to a bunch of Ishmaelites who took him to Egypt (Gen 37:28); and a second statement saying that in Egypt Joseph was sold to Potiphar by ... er ... the Midianites (Gen 37:36)?
  10. "Hey son, what nationality are you?"
  11. Seems so, in this case. These are the two articles linked to the wiki page: Huff 1 and Huff 2. In the second he confirms it was 2005.
  12. Wouldn't using Éire in an English-language context be akin to referring to South Africa, Germany or Finland as Zuid-Afrika, Deutschland and Suomi? Nowt wrong with it, but a bit odd...
  13. It filled the dog-on-a-skateboard slot at the end of the news roundup at the beginning of Radio 4's Today programme this morning. (Also currently third item on BBC World News website).
  14. The Wilkinson Hydro 3 (which I mistakenly called a Hydro 5 in the linked thread). A revelation after what I'd been using.
  15. I sometimes find this sort of thing a little trying (I would've changed the names to protect the guilty, but seems you can't edit names any more - still, it's not like they're the only ones, though Newryrep's is a classic of the genre):
  16. Nowt wrong with a smooth, odourless oxter. Obviously, anywhere else below the neck is just screaming.
  17. It wasn't so much the winning goal, more the 26-minutes of 'injury time' it took to get it that was considered a tad fortunate.
  18. Hear, hear. And I find women with designer stubble pretty annoying too.
  19. Until Helen fakes her own death and washboarder and G_T_R respond by sky-diving for charity, this thread is purely second string. The participants just aren't trying hard enough frankly.
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