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Everything posted by Stapes

  1. Doesn't she know things she shouldn't about people who don't want those things known? People similar to Edward Heath, for example. "I'm being suppressed because I know about sexual abuse claims against senior people" says#KidsCompany founder — Victoria Derbyshire (@VictoriaLIVE) August 6, 2015 "Some child protection police officers had come to see me, to say their investigations are being squashed; they are unable to carry out their investigations properly and have their evidence used properly." She continued: "As I sit here, in years to come the truth will unfold. People who are really outspoken and really challenge government about the way they are doing things, especially in poor communities, are being silenced."
  2. Thank you sir lol. Yes, you'd need to be a fan I think. Maybe even tough for a casual fan. But my book before that is a lesson in the power of marketing. A local history book with a national publisher. It got good sales in the local bookshop, but Waterstones had it in their window three Christmases in a row (something the publisher has to pay for). It topped that shop's charts all three Christmases and is now IIRC on it third reprint. Sales are probably around 7,000. Without the publisher I reckon I would have sold 1,000 in the local bookshop.
  3. My niece is an actress. Some of her friends have had some big roles (Skins) and adverts. Told me that one did quite a well known advert and was on screen for about 15-20 seconds - £3,000.
  4. Those are actually impressive sales figures for a book that is (I assume) self-published. I think mine did about 750 its first December but that was with a national publisher, and it was front and centre in Waterstones and one other book shop. I think my second and third books probably still haven't reached 200.
  5. Think everyone wants their own thing from a trip. For some a big travelling support, for others an elite few. Some want the sun, others couldn't care cos they're in the boozer the whole time. Some want locals who mix with the fans. For some the trip is wasted if the result's a bad one. And often it takes a single event to raise it up in your estimation. I didn't really enjoy Prague that much, but my mates loved it because they went to that famous strip club (the Globe?) and I went to my bed with a hangover. For them it was a great trip because of that one night. Me I like a big travelling support, the sun, and a single central square where everyone meets. A good result always helps. Brussels in 2001 had almost everything. Loved that trip - been trying re-create it ever since with no luck. Remember that a Belgian group came in to the square - extremely well dressed with bodyguards. My thought at the time was they were royalty. They were just standing there smiling and soaking up the atmosphere. Strange thing to remember but it's stuck with me.
  6. Think a lot depends on the company running the service. Lothian Buses, for example, is excellent - on time and clean, modern buses. First Bus, by and large, is awful. Old, creaky, cold, smelly buses. Jakies pervade both though, but quite often are great entertainment on the way home. After years of listening to them I still wonder at their lack of volume control, and their desire to tell everyone, from toddlers to pensioners, about their sex lives and fighting abilities.
  7. Guessing we'll see lots of things over the coming months, mostly on Madagascar and the coast of Africa.
  8. Always remember him for THAT fight scene. Not sure if it's the longest ever, but it can't be far off.
  9. Was going to post that So here's another from the same era:
  10. I'm not really sure the point you're trying to make with the poster. But without phase 1, phase 3 will never happen. Going back to my original point, Corbyn makes phase 1 less likely. There are many aspects to phase 2. As I think we agree though, we won't just walk from phase 1 to phase 3.
  11. I'm not asking for a split of the left - I'm asking for a split of the left and right. The trade union link would be retained (wrongly imo - why do we need that link?). The natural position of the Labour Party left wing may be opposition to independence, but that is not the case for many (most?) of their ex-members. Most former Labour members I know left the party due to the Iraq war. Most support independence.
  12. I have no interest in destroying the Labour Party. I think a one-party state is a dangerous thing (look what Labour did to us in the decades they ran a one-party state). I'm merely arguing that voting for a left-wing leader weakens the argument for independence, and therefore we shouldn't vote for him. We should be looking to weaken the Labour Party in the short term, forcing a split whereby Scotland gets a left wing Labour Party that supports independence and policies that reflect what members, supporters and ex-supporters in Scotland are crying out for. I'm sure your superior intellect will have a smart answer as to why I'm completely deluded and only your path is the right one, but I've been down the Duncan Hothersall route (arguing with someone who's never wrong) before and have no intention of going down it again.
  13. And yet we've had 40+ years with the existing model, and people working to build a more just society. It isn't happening. We can't just keep on trying the same old same old, because the establishment is happy with the way things are. I'm not for a second saying we will be in some kind of Utopian paradise, but it's my belief that we have a better chance of building your more just society within an independent Scotland.
  14. No, I truly don't think it will make a difference to people's lives. It may damage the independence movement because the gullible will believe Labour is moving back to its roots, and they will believe that a better future is just around the corner next time Labour are elected (just as they did with Blair). And you do realise there's a difference between Nationalism and Independence yes? Given that I don't think you would identify yourself as a nationalist, I think you do. I'm not embarrassed to say I want Independence at all costs. Because that cost isn't going to change much be it the Conservatives or Labour in power. Corbyn, if he somehow becomes PM might make a small difference but the establishment would soon put a stop to any radical ideas, so we'd be back where we started. Independence is the only far-reaching solution to the ills of this country. And when I say 'this country', I don't just mean Scotland.
  15. Strong leftish Labour Party = strongish union Weak right wing Labour Party = inevitable independence And therein lies my motivation. I would love to see Corbyn as the leader of Labour. But if that is going to damage the independence movement then I personally wouldn't vote for him. Added to that is the fact that regardless is the left candidate (Corbyn) gains power, or the right candidate (Kendall) it will make not one iota of difference to the lives of people in this country. Do you think for a second that if the SNP had the same ridiculous election rules that the Labour Party wouldn't be encouraging their supporters to vote for the candidate that will most weaken the SNP? Of course they would. That's politics. It's naive to think otherwise.
  16. Just finished watching Breaking Bad, and there were some fantastic intro sequences. But none can top this one from a show that promised so much and eventually gave very little:
  17. He's made some cr@p in his time, but he's also made some really enjoyable films. Crank is excellent (love Amy Smart!), as is Snatch. Mean Machine is garbage, but the scenes where they go into Statham's head are pretty funny Gid surname tae!
  18. So, my wife gets a vote through her union. Who should she vote for, from the perspective of helping the Scottish independence movement by weakening Labour? Corbyn - could destroy Labour in England and keep them out of power for a generation, but may re-invigorate the party in Scotland. Burnham - most likely of the other three to win, won't be particularly well received in Scotland (an establishment figure) Cooper - same as Burnham, but less likely to win Kendall - Tory in all but party. Would be the final nail in 'Scottish' Labour's coffin. But won't win. My feeling is she should vote for Burnham. Any views?
  19. I've switched numerous times and the companies make it all very simple - you really don't have to do anything. Not sure about GB Energy, but I'm definitely considering them, but only because they have a no-fee to end the contract.
  20. Oh right, aye, £500 a year I blame the wife and her electric sex toys.
  21. I wonder what would happen if some came to the SNP and asked to defect.
  22. Just coming off winter My payment in summer can be as low as £95. Currently it's £121. Lots of lights in my house - 16 in the kitchen alone!
  23. My deal with EDF just ended, and my savings will be around £500 a month. Sainsbury's was cheap, but GB Energy was cheaper. Ok, it's variable but there are no get out fees.
  24. O wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us!
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