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Everything posted by Wibble

  1. No. At 60, even if the worst happens, Scotland will be free in my lifetime - now there's optimism!!!
  2. They can't - unless it's a 'hot balls, World Cup scenario... where's the UN voting scrutineeers when you need them?
  3. You, drink? Shirley not? I will ring - -honest. All will be explained when i do.
  4. Stop it!!!! We'll have a piss-up in Warrington when it's Yes. I'll pay!!!
  5. but then, not enough voters turned out! We have no excuse this time - it HAS to be a big, fat Yes!!!
  6. John redwood - a face you wid never tire of grinding a boot in until it's mush (apologies for paraphrasing G Orwell) is now on BBC2 offering inane pish! He's been a stalking horse for at least 10 years (i'm happy to say) - and, with Weetabix heid in the chair, he'll be stoking up the Daily Wail! readers making them spill their drugged Horlicks. QQUNTs. As is Dianne Abbott!!!
  7. That dobber Liam Fox on BBC2 claiming it will be an easy 'No' and how the W Lothian question will be addressed. Add to that, that cnut, Daniel Finkelstein, almost echoing what Fox said. How can they know? They can't! Inetersting that BBC freelance, Alan Little, took some pleasure in shooting Kirsty Wark down with regards to intimidation by the Yessers - and they've been colleagues for years.
  8. I give a shit - but have no vote. I'm looking forward to going to the boozer in my saltire tie, 'Yes' badge and wristband and... boxing gloves. Whatever happens, I reckon it will get a wee bit messy wherever I'm spouting off.
  9. Sorry, you'd better all stay at home and/or get on with your work. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/dont-go-mancunians-urge-scots-7789953#comments
  10. As young Mr Strap and I were leaving pisspot control in Bremen, he asked for his passport to be stamped. (I know, he's like a bairn.) The official said: 'Yes... but only if you are voting 'Yes'.' It would appear everyone, except the Establishment and Daily Maul readers, want Scotland to succeed.
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