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Ally Bongo

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Everything posted by Ally Bongo

  1. Yes However the last time a thread like this was on the go i posted it and was then lambasted for the homosexual undertones Believe it was Neil R who did the lambasting It's me this time
  2. That was me - but they merged Toepoke's thread from other sports so he got the credit the rascal
  3. Probably because they were (mainly) presenters and not commentators
  4. Scotland runs in the Goodwood Cup over 2 miles tomorrow
  5. The binoculars he used for commentating for over 50 years were taken from a U-Boat Dont get much cooler than that
  6. But this is the one that i always get emotional at Everybody loved Rummy especially me - My Mum took an extra shot in the factory sweep and let me pick one of them (i was 9) It was 1977 & I picked Red Rum 1973 1st 1974 1st 1975 2nd 1976 2nd 1977 ?
  7. This is one of his best commentaries To put into perspective - everybody and their granny in the whole of the UK was on Desert Orchid (apart from me)
  8. Another part of our youth passes away after a tremendous innings Doubt there will ever be a better horse racing commentator
  9. They have also said that it's most likely Cecil's 12 cubs will be killed if not already So its not just one lion from this particular pride Palmer has destroyed
  10. Yes I guess it all depends on what changes staying in, if any, can be achieved. However i cant see anything changing me voting to leave I can see what RB is alluding to and although it wouldnt be a surprise i cant see it happening with Mhairi IMO
  11. Im assuming RB was being sarcastic Suggesting at this stage that of all people Mhairi Black is not being honest and in effect its all an act is ludicrous
  12. The Tartan Tories myth was dreamt up by Labour in the 70s It was really around 2 things They wanted everyone to see them as the direct opposite of the Tories and therefore anyone not Labour was a Tory Then they used the lie that it was the SNP who were responsible for Thatcher getting into power in 1979 And that was it Anything else was based on pure speculation of what an SNP Government would do if they held power - something that they thought would never be tested. It's still never been tested within the confinements of devolution however as far as i'm aware they have not acted like any Tory Government past or present and if they did pre or post independence they wouldnt last very long. Now - as for the Red Tories John Rentoul was on Newsnight last night John Rentoul as well as being seen as a labour leaning journalist, was an admirer of Tony Blair and wrote his biography. He stated last night that in the run up to the General Election he seen himself closer to David Cameron than Ed Miliband and regards Liz Kendall as the best candidate to replace him. So there is the perfect example of how far "New Labour" have come and his beliefs are clearly reflected in differring degrees by Burnham, Cooper and Kendall. The interview was also a great example of how the BBC agenda works. Whilst they had the eloquent anti Corbyn Rentoul in the studio they had a video link to Derek Hatton in Liverpool where Evan Davis spent most of his initial questions to Hatton not about Corbyn but whether Hatton was now a property developer. This was a clear strategy of immediately trying to discredit Hatton by making him out to be a champagne socialist
  13. I dont think there is anyone that will disagree but it would seem the only way Scotland will wake up and realise there might be an alternative is for this to happen. The other way is for Scotland to be doing well economically with the "extra powers" that are devolved and we know that 1 We wont get them 2 Westminster wont allow that They are already setting the trap in motion for the SNP to become unpopular by making them raise taxes to cancel out the cuts
  14. Second poll puts Corbyn ahead by nearly 20%: Corbyn 42% Cooper 22.6% Burnham 20% Kendall 14%
  15. Independence supporters ? Seriously ? Met any Independence supporters lately (with the exception of Scunnered) ?
  16. The austerity loving Brit Nats celebrate as Dave rules out a second referendum
  17. Have to agree despite hearing the fella's arguments Patience is the key and unfortunately we need to embrace & suffer as much of the Tory ideology until the straw breaks the camels back
  18. On your 2nd one i agree 100% and have tweeted the SNP and Nicola to that effect. Need to have a new strategy on Europe after what we seen happening to Greece ..and fast. On your first i would have agreed up to today until i heard an ex SNP advisor's point on Radio Scotland around 4.40pm He basically said that the SNP wont call another referendum until they are sure they can win but then stated the following; 1 - The second biggest party in Scotland are in turmoil not to mention the whole of the UK and are seen as a laughing stock which could increase as their leadership contest continues and after who they eventually side with (assuming not Corbyn) 2 - The Tories are being seen to be the ideological rats with every passing day and we are soon to feel the full force of austerity 3 - SNP are riding high in the polls, have over 100,000 members and are going to walk the 2016 elections 4 - As recently as 2012 support for Independence was only at 28% or something along those lines and in 2 years they got it up to 45%. Its still sitting at 45-48% just now so who's to say they cant increase that along similar lines in another campaign So - if the next 12-18 months is not a good time to call it - when is ?
  19. Thats actually mental & they have well and truly lost it Why would SNP members or non SNP Nationalists deliberately vote in someone who could actually make Labour more popular in Scotland and take votes away from the only party fighting for Independence ? Bonkers
  20. Started watching Black Sails on History Looking good Vikings was also great
  21. Oh it was - and it gave us a needed reality check. I doubt we have ever recovered fully from it However it was what went on before i was referring to He made a lot of money for the SFA i dare say too
  22. My full conciousness of football and Scotland began around 1975-76. I was between the ages of 7 and 8 I can vaguely remember the 2-0 game against England at Hampden in 1974 but nothing much about the World Cup later that year apart from bits of the Zaire game. I can remember the gutted feeling of the 5-1 drubbing in 1975, mainly the hopeless (and ugly) Stewart Kennedy wrapping himself round the goalposts The 2-1 win at Hampden the following year was the first time i really got into it - sitting down to watch the whole build up with my Dad - so by 1977 and the start of Ally's reign thats when i was switched on. I doubt if any other manager had been in charge i would have felt the same way about the Scottish National team from then on. The way he made me and the rest of the country feel was incredible. He was like a rock star and inspired a lot of kids and a generation to get sucked into what would eventually be the misery of following Scotland. Only those that were there around that time know what the build up to Argentina was like. As Scotland fans we will never ever experience that feeling again. For that alone he should be included
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