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Everything posted by Batzek-osemba

  1. But Celtic was formed for football and community/ free meals and has gained a fanbase beyond the Catholic irish community for over 13 decades now. It worked its way to the top and won titles before it got big. There wasnt any billionaire founding celtic in 1888 to promote some Irish drink who bought titles and just outspend the others.Celtic got big because it performed well.I can agree however, that the current size and financial power is - as with Bayern, City, Barca,Real etc- doing no good to its domestic football. But Celtic has grown organicially and that is the main difference. It took them a century (more ore less).
  2. They are not happy with it. Can you not see the fundamental difference? Bayern worked their way to the top. They werent even in the top flight when our Bundesliga started. We won it first and were in the driving seat back then(1.FC Köln) but with talent and good sense of business they rose to the top. I cant stand them and love to see them getting beat by most clubs. But they are a genuine well run football club which has been building its fanbase and power over 4 decades now. And then a business man comes along and forms a club ONLY to promote his drink. For that reason only. Bo intetest in Leipzig nor Salzburg at all. Just strategic product placement by renaming a club and logo with no roots in that area. You have to see the difference no? I can respect Bayern(even Chelsea or Manchester City) and dont like them. They have become all dominant clubs in recent years and lost their soul.However I can not respect Leipzig cos they born out of commercial interest and not for the love of football. But each to their own.
  3. Where were you sitting?? How you liked cologne?
  4. Here in Germany. Red Bull Leipzig in Germany and Red Bull Salzburg in Austria are extremely unpopular. Boycotts and banners against a club formed for Marketing purposes only. One guy wrote about köln Leipzig 1,5 weeks ago here in Cologne which i was at as well. Well ask him about the banners and sit-in Protest of our fans(not only ultras). Most Scots probably dont know and dont care but the Red Bull Clubs are the cancer of football. Merge and establish clubs only to promote a soft drink?? Come on...Burke aside ..what is football heading to?
  5. Just rearrange it as it was! Am hardly the only one thinking blowing up football is doing no good.
  6. One would think the Euro 2016 fiasco would have made the big bosses to rethink about the direction football is heading to? I think football in europe is at its peak and people could feel oversarturated soon. Maybe wise to break european dominance and give others a chance..who knows. I am just bored by matches everyday (round the clock) and this blown up "product". The old championsleague and uefa cup with one televised match every other week and tough WC with Highlights from day one were much more appealing to me in the past.
  7. I agree, not very likely Aberdeen (nor any of the old firm) will join the E/BPL. Why would english clubs let them have their place and share?
  8. Quality player. Although i hate Red Bull Leipzig as most people do, this guy is a power house. Theres plenty reports and articles about him recently here and many Interviews. Media is kind of starting to take interest in him. with a teaser online and more in the printed issue.
  9. Some of these posts on this thread make it even easier to understand why some Scotland fans dont like (the new) Rangers (without even digging into the real deep shit of rangersmedia and follow follow). Megalomania, entitlement, paranoia, agression, victimhood and utter blatant lies all in one set of fans is like having 6 mad house inmates in one. This story (both are older Catholic work for charity..sure and donor blood 5 times a week and fought at Bannockburn?) is a blatant lie and typical sevco propaganda to fill and close the ranks. They love this siege mentality. On the one hand" we are the people"..on the other" the whole of Scotland is against us". That mentality is so weird and makes no sense. And yes, am aware theres good Sevco fans outhere as well....ive heard ;-)
  10. 2008 home and away in terms of design but Adidas in terms of fabric and quality.
  11. Aberdeen likely to lose by 1:2. Cant see them winning mind you I would prefer them over Sevco.
  12. But comparing a trip to Glasgow(the number one city) to a trip up north to Aberdeen is daft. Glasgow as a city alone would make many people travel even without the match. Cant compare.
  13. Not sure what i prefer. Rossy having a nervous breakdown or Rangers fans. Both very tempting. Damn we cant have it both
  14. Wow..what a racist (more or less subtle)bunch is speaking/writing on this board? Since the Brexit a part of the UK seems to have gone mental. It is acceptable to write this in 2016? How about attacking polish neighbours? Friendly likeable Scots...good natured? Disgusting
  15. Mate the whole world knows that. Continental sportspapers here call you the new Rangers. Outside of the mainstreamedia of Scotland nobody fears your" boycott /bullets in the mail intimdation" stance. Its so obvious you fold and died, common sense. Problem is you cant have the debt cancelled and live on as before. You are the ones that are deluded and keep telling yourselves lies. RIP 2012
  16. sure can collapse/get liquidated and nothing changes. And if you die you live on in our hearts Dead and done
  17. Celtic will be 10-15 pts ahead of sevco by that so no tension at all. Sevconians know their place by then, the latest. Many of their support will give this fixture a miss. No worries faint hearts....West of Scotland will still be intact the other day
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