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Everything posted by thplinth

  1. If King gets his way and individuals are allowed to pour millions in then there is a financial term all you existing RFC shareholders better get yourselves familiar with - Dilution.
  2. omnishambles As Phil MacGob has written on his blog for individual shareholder investors to inject money without there being a full rights issue requires shareholder approval and they have tried and failed to get it twice now at least. It keeps getting voted down. So until they can (which is far from certain) it will be emergency loans. It is a bit off having an IPO and then letting your shares get de-listed a few short years later leaving all the folk who invested ed to semi####ed. Poor show. Who was that poster recommending we buy their shares a few weels back? I hope no one was foolish enough to do so because they will have a hard job getting rid of them anytime soon.
  3. You ain't nothin' but a hun dog Quit snoopin' 'round my door You can wag your tail But I ain't gonna feed you no more
  4. There is a reason a jobby smells like it does, it is saying through the medium of smell, "Don't lick me".
  5. Hmmmm, this thread has taken a very interesting turn, do expand Mr Endell.
  6. It took 8 mins to descend, at what point do you get a mobile phone connection? Could some passenger have been streaming live video through an internet connection at lower altitudes? I think it might be real.
  8. I have to buy a new Kitchen. Where would you go that is not B&Q and does a good deal. I'd rather lick a jobby than give those kunts a penny. (Ok that is probably not true.)
  9. my pure guess... 'Easter' was originally some pagan celebration that was hijacked by the Roman Catholic Church at some point in the ancient past. maybe originally to do with the spring equinox.
  10. The definition of a Scot is someone whose primary national allegiance is felt towards Scotland. That is what you makes a Scot. Birthplace, nationality of parents, where you grew up are all indicators but none define it. Allegiance covers every imaginable scenario and is flexible enough to deal with weird situations where birth, where you grew up, parents, and all the other indicators fail and / or become confusing. But you would have to be honest, I would not recommend it as a test for getting a new Scottish passport.
  11. You have to consider the rigging of 1 & 2 for the reason that 7 was definitely rigged and brought down using a controlled demolition. The civilian explosive demolition indistry is borne out of military demolitions. Military demolitions will have the best available kit and technology including no doubt stuff unavailable for civilian demolitions. That said you really cannot be sure one way or the other with 1&2. The way they collapsed is very different to 7. But then given the size of them people really would smell a rat if they had collapsed neatly from the base like 7 did. You have to remember as well these towers were mostly empty, rental white elephants.
  12. Annual Sky subscription = Monthly Subscription x 12 = How much? Then divide that number by 0.65 to work out what on average you must earn before tax to pay for it. Then divide that number by your gross (pre-tax) annual wage to know what 'tithe' you are paying to Rupert Murdoch's Church of Lies Maybe if I express it this way you can grasp the 'entirety' of the post. Seriously is this your point. So glad you are here.
  13. Ok maybe we have our wires crossed, what is your problem?
  14. Or maybe different people have different monthly bills? FFS...
  15. For some reason you seem to have edited the question so it is not a question. Are you one of the phannies on here selling sky subscriptions?
  16. So your Annual Sky subscription = Monthly Subscription x 12 = How much? Then divide that number by 0.65 to work out what on average you must earn before tax to pay for it. Then divide that number by your gross (pre-tax) annual wage to know what 'tithe' you are paying to Rupert Murdoch's Church of Lies. Cancel Sky. You will not regret it.
  17. You can boil 911 down to LIHOP or MIHOP. You really do not have to worry about the details of 'how' any further than that. I am so sick of 'how' phart. It is like the endless masturbatory debate over the magic bullet in the JFK assassination. And therein lies your biggest omen of how the 911 truth movement will end up. 50 years later and the same old shit.
  18. The analogy I would use is that of an alcoholic. In RFC's case the buzz is an addiction to success and the booze that delivers it is overspending. This addiction to success caused RFC 1899 to die. It required a full body transplant to 'carry on'. And now like a 'reformed' Alcoholic RFC 2012 with a new body is back on the streets. But has the addiction gone, the desire to experience success no matter what the cost, has it gone. No it has not and it is just a question of time before RFC 2012 like the alkie uses up its new body and once again need another transplant and or transfusion to stave of death yet again. On and on like some vampire club requiring the blood of new investors to sustain it... FFS spend within your means. The Scottish game would improve immeasurably if you did you carzy hun kunts.
  19. Did he pay himself a dividend? Has he ever paid himself a dividend? I don't know and I suspect neither do you but I am betting no has not. Honestly do you think Ashley should lose money in order to buy some success for Newcastle Fans to revel in? Why? This is the exact thinking that ed RFC 1899. Many many RFC fans think an owner is someone who just blows millions and millions of their own money so the fans can strut like peacocks in their triumphalist fantasies. It creates an impossible situation for anyone running your club. You consider anyone making a profit as a thief almost, stealing from the club. I feared Ashley as your owner, I am so glad you hate him.
  20. Yep the missile stuff is just wrong, many witnesses saw the plane coming in I believe, long time since I read into all this now. I find the remote hijacking very plausible but why would you bother landing the plane, evacuating it, killing all the people, cremating them... why not just fly the planes into the building. FFS talk about over-thinking shit. This endless focus on the 'how' of 911 only serves to deflect from the more important questions of the 'who' and then the 'why'. Look at what has been done since. Look at the string of countries attacked and reduced to ruin and chaos. This is what 911 was for, to enable all of this. And now the US is shipping arms to Ukraine so it can launch a second war on its own citizens. An army attacking its own citizens who happen to be ethnic Russians, who happen to live next door to Russia. Where do you think that is going? 911 truth is about the only thing that will stop it but alas Scotty has reduced it to a joke subject on here at least.
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