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Everything posted by Graham-zs

  1. buggiba is the place to be
  2. we all need to get these and big flags march would looks amazing with half a dozen of these, love marching with our standard alba gu brath
  3. think it was jet2 bud, doubtfull it will be this price now but, booked it the second it was announced, flying from Manchester seems a bit cheaper
  4. we must have at least a full pipe-band worth of pipers and drummers within our midst at most away games would be magic if they were fully organised and came together for things like this. i might have to re-learn the snare and get involved. one piper travelling with myself hes always up for it
  5. Think there is some mobilisation of pipers and drummers etc on the fb page. Hopefully so organised for future like this forward thinking
  6. Flying solo also. Having a wee over night tonight in the dam
  7. I'm on this flight from dam to Prague with one other
  8. 22nd 18:40 flight to amsterdam ( might not make my flight in the morning....) 23rd 11:00ish flight to prague from amsterdam arrives around 1pm iirc 25th flight to edinburgh via brussels
  9. I'm up for a one of the Wednesday night games. Can you keep us in the loop if they do go ahead please cheers graham
  10. Go see the mercedes Benz factory!!!! On my bucket list and maybe Porsche if you have time but that would be second on the list
  11. Jules suite apartments st jullians bay
  12. Prestwick to Malta direct on the 26th £49 malta to Manchester direct on the 31st £58
  13. Back to flying solo again mates bailed. Got flights for £161 return out via over night in the dam on the Tuesday and back via Brussels on the Friday got a spare seat which will cost £90 for the name change for sale
  14. 2 please if possible, im all booked to stay in st juliens also.
  15. im out to malta on the 26th from prestwick, flights still £90 direct, flying back to manchester on the 31st £60 going to go on one of the buses to metz i think, too much faffing about trying to get there via all the different planes and trains etc.
  16. how many spaces are left? was thinking of flying from malta straight to france but dont know if i habve the time to be staying away for 11days for two games
  17. im flying from schipol on the wednesday morning to prague
  18. how does the random pick up work actually theres 5 in my family going do we all need to individually go for the tickets or can we send out a messenger with our cards to fetch them?
  19. ill just wear it the whole trip then woohoo, we'l be coming
  20. im in plus 3 tartan army boat party love it
  21. pity its not the 22nd. flying home via brussels
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