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  1. Thought it was 120 days
  2. Ukraine waited till about 5 weeks before announcing when we played in Krakow , basically they announce it when they feel like it and the SFA wait to be told
  3. The Croatia/Portugal fixtures are confirmed for Warsaw on the UEFA website
  4. Glad they're not leaving ticket arrangements till a fortnight before the game 🤨
  5. They won't even have thought about it yet or booked a hotel
  6. They're not having a pick up at the ground though , that complicates it
  7. It’ll be last minute as usual
  8. I'd agree if they had a pick up at the ground , but to not have that , have a very early ko or send tickets out causes other problems
  9. Would be better if they just send out the tickets tbh , do it the old way with flight details or something
  10. they didn't say , I just said I'd be arriving possibly after ko and would they hang around to dish out tickets , they said there would be no pick up at the ground . They wont even have a hotel yet to tell us where to pick up
  11. Not necessarily if you’re arriving late , there’s also no ticket pick up at the ground
  12. Source ? Haven't seen anything
  13. No one remember the fan zone last time we were there - two eejits in an ice cream type van with one slow pouring pump which lasted about 30 minutes . If you want a beer at that ground , take your own
  14. The Fahrplaner App for Bremen is easy to work , English and easy to cancel , got that from the Man in Seat 61 website
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