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Everything posted by ParisInAKilt

  1. Need to start the Ireland game
  2. Shake the keeper got a touch but some strike none the less. He's not been very good before that
  3. That's another debate though The SNP arent proposing socialsim, even if some of their supporters think they are.
  4. Aye because capitalism and neo liberal politics is working out brilliant eh? Don't know who's proposing socialism anyway.
  5. "It appears to confirm growing speculation in Scotland that the SNP would privately favour another Conservative-led Westminster government - which it could campaign against in a bid to stoke up anti-English sentiment and make an "out" vote more likely in another referendum" Paragraph in the original article.
  6. @gear_ratio: @WingsScotland Tory culture secretary states Sturgeon story as true on BBC1 breakfast news at 08:18. Goes unchallenged
  7. Salmond making way for Sturgeon is looking like a very good decision.
  8. I shouldn't be but genuinely shocked at Farage scoring so high in these polls
  9. Clegg trying to win the student vote was car crash tv. His political career needs to end after May.
  10. Can someone politely remind Cameron and Clegg that they have been the people in government for the past 5 years and achieved almost nothkng. This is the same speeches from 5 years ago.
  11. It's just a sound bite to appease voters who with a push from the media believe immigrants are a source of all these problems in UK society. If it's such a problem then lobby with the eu to make positive changes, mouthing off and doing nothing doesn't solve anything
  12. Her delivery isn't great but what she's said has been generally spot on
  13. They let a few in to clean their houses and the multinational companies.
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