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  1. http://www.gov.scot/ Story at http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/02/18/scottish_government_declares_independence_online/
  2. OK then If you mean best slightly odd unusual combination you might make yourself, anyone remember M&S used to do cottage cheese with prawns? Spread thickly on thick white bread. Not to everyone's taste presumably so they discontinued it. But you can still buy the ingredients! Or anyone remember O'Briens uses to do a "sandwich sandwich"? Or maybe it was 'just' a triple-decker. But if you mean serious stuff, how about the the classic Tunisian sandwich - tuna & chilli, with variants packed with other ingredients - capers, maybe egg, etc. http://www.saveur.com/article/Recipes/Tunisian-Tuna-Sandwich or http://newyork.seriouseats.com/2012/07/a-sandwich-a-day-the-tunisian-sandwich-at-bal.html The last page links to a "Sandwich a Day" (from rice burger to goat sandwich) http://newyork.seriouseats.com/tags/A+Sandwich+a+Day What did we do before the internet?
  3. I'm not a right-on tree-hugger, but... Surely the issue of skin lightening is completely different. The equivalent of palefaces getting themselves a nice tan. But it's nothing to do with parodying another race.
  4. Yes, though the Standard article reckoned a likeliness of 3.5/5 if Tories largest party. But who would be deputy PM, if Clegg lost his seat? Cable? Danny Alexander? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/nick-clegg/11397746/Nick-Clegg-on-course-to-lose-his-seat-Ashcroft-poll-finds.html or if you don't want to visit the Torygraph, how about http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2015/02/07/nick-clegg-could-lose-his-seat-two-polls-suggest/
  5. A tad harsh? Even for the loveliest and cuddliest of bunnies?
  6. The article in today's paper does actually suggest a scenario (Con-Lib coalition) which would promote a platform for another independence referendum
  7. I've no idea and in one sense it doesn't matter. At least one person in the audience felt that Galloway's previous rhetoric was harmful and I assume referring to freedom of movement and being 'not welcome' in a part of the UK. You wouldn't need to be either Jewish or Israeli to think Galloway might deserve to have the "feel unwelcome" attitude thrown back at him, in turning up in north London (why did the BBC invite him to this show and not one in Yorkshire?). Maybe a liitle bit like some Scots activists wanted to make Farage feel unwelcome in Edinburgh. They ended up being called the intolerant thugs...
  8. Rudi Vis was Labour MP from 1997 to 2010 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finchley_and_Golders_Green_(UK_Parliament_constituency) The constituency including Finchley became Finchley and Golders Green - as I said there are boundary changes - but the bottom line is that Vis was Finchley's MP.
  9. I suppose the acid test is: would you as a black person feel comfortable in a pub/restaurant and a bunch of blacked-up white guys come in? As a black person would you feel comfortable settling or growing up in a society where this was seen as normal? Would you rather they didn't do it? Would you be reassured if the university or football club said it was unacceptable or would you be dismayed it made the news?
  10. The original story is now at: http://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/london-life/in-bed-with-david-cameron-and-ed-miliband-who-will-coalesce-with-whom-after-the-election-9927655.html This covers: 1. Lab-Lib 2. Con-Lib 3. Lab-Nat 4. Con-Kip And Nicola about to kiss Ed...
  11. More coalition/hung parliament scenarios http://www.scotsman.com/news/tom-peterkin-scots-general-election-influence-1-3683665 This time: 1. Lab-Lib 2. Lab-Nat 3. Con minority (inc unionist, UKIP...) 4. Con-Lib
  12. THE Scots language should be heard on radio and television as part of mainstream programming and not confined to comedy shows, an award-winning broadcaster has said. http://www.scotsman.com/lifestyle/arts/news/broadcaster-calls-on-bbc-to-rescue-scots-language-1-3683668
  13. Scotland-supporting white middle class protestant (probably male) soldiers choking on their cornflakes this morning...
  14. I thought that Galloway had said Israelis weren't welcome in Bradford so that's why they were saying he was not welcome there. Finchley is a mixed area, not unusual in London - the consituency boundary shifts - it was (New) Labour for a number of years.
  15. A few violent thoughts on here... about people who could be good TA comrades? Je suis Ossian? Je suis Tommy?
  16. Also, interesting that they played the pro-business card by avoiding the risk of leaving the EU Conversely, the Tories, who had said the referendum scared business, are quite happy to indulge in the prospect of an EU referendum.
  17. Blow for SNP as poll shows Labour holding Glasgow North Easthttp://news.stv.tv/scotland-decides/analysis/309103-daisley-mail-stephen-daisleys-take-on-politics-polls-general-election/
  18. Labour and SNP coalition likely following 2015 General Election, says Deutsche Bank http://www.cityam.com/208553/labour-and-snp-coalition-likely-says-deutsche
  19. Maybe SNP can take it as a backhanded compliment if MPs from Bradford need to respond to SNP's agenda. Would you rather be a green or lib dem, and no one bothers to attack you when you're not there?
  20. Here's something lighter - loosely relating to the theme of wealth. The Tatler view of aristocratic Scotland fearful of a yes vote. http://www.tatler.com/news/articles/september-2014/the-future-of-scotland 2 things caught my eye (other than the fashion shoots, obviously) Paul Dacre has 18,000 acres near Ullapool A reference to 'all things Hibernian'
  21. Curtice says: Even so, today's polls also underline the potential fragility of the SNP's position. In half of the Labour seats in which he polled, Lord Ashcroft reckons the SNP's lead is less than 10 percentage points. In these cases a relatively small swing back to Labour could yet see Jim Murphy's party emerge as victor. There is still an awful lot to play for in the three months between now and polling day. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-31126686
  22. Unionists shouldn't feel branded or bracketed with the likes of the BNP, any more than Scottish nationalists should be branded or bracketed with national front type movements of continental Europe (or, indeed, the BNP) or anti English bigots, etc. In pub conversations and internet arguments, sometimes these remarks fly around and things get messy. But I don't remember Yes camp officials or politicians or spokespeople of any standing branding unionists as being equated with BNP. However it has become a routine occurrence for mainstream unionist politicians, professional political commentators and nationial newspapers to attempt to smear supporters of SNP and/ or independence with the smear of 'bad nationalism' in the sense you're objecting to.
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