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Everything posted by Stapes

  1. Can't see the pro-Indy parties stepping into a courthouse.
  2. Polls now closed. Exit poll of 30,000 people suggesting a narrow vote win for pro-independence parties, and a significant win in seats numbers.
  3. Think it probably is quite common, but nobody speaks about it so you think you're the only parent and child in the world going through it. In terms of waking him up, yes, we're aware if that, but at one point it was twice, sometimes three, times a night. So it was necessary. Another thing that we tried was making him drink more during the day and then getting him to hold it in, thus expanding the bladder.
  4. Anyone dealt/dealing with this? We've tried getting kid up in the middle of the night, stopping drinks before bed, been to enuresis clinic and had the bell thingy prescribed. The only thing that does work are tablets, but the effects wear off after a couple of weeks. Kid is 13 btw, which means now pissing like a racehorse. We need to plan washing cycles to cope. At the end of my tether.
  5. 46. Got wee thread veins in my legs, on yhe inside just above the knee. Not many but hate them. Also legs get achy now and again, which I believe relates to the veins. Also have these red spots appearing on my chest, like blood blisters. They're not unsightly, but would rather they weren't there.
  6. I think most people first heard Springsteen when he released Born In The USA. From there we head down two paths - those who liked it and wanted more, and those who hated it and never went back for more. The latter tend to view Springsteen as a shouter, the equivalent of Bryan Adams and, as mentioned above, very MOR. Those who wanted more soon realised that there is so much more to Springsteen than that two year rock period. His album before it, for example, was a dark acoustic album. Step back 11 years and you have the Van Morrison-influenced Wild and Innocent.
  7. Pacific is tough going at times. Last two or three episodes are fantastic.
  8. Aye, only joking about Gervais. Can't wait for this though.
  9. Following on from the greatest TV series ever - Band of Brothers - and The Pacific (the last couple of episodes were great) comes the third in the series. Filming now, and starring Ricky Gervais.
  10. Was just about to post that. Add in also her cut glass English accent. Each to their own though I suppose.
  11. And that's the point behind this story. They all do outrageous things in these clubs' initiation ceremonies so they all have dirt on each other, and therefore are less likely to squeal (so to speak) on each other.
  12. Kate Winslet playing a nun and telling someone how to talk dirty is hilarious. I've heard the Grant Mitchell one is really funny too, but I haven't seen it.
  13. Following on from the above James Stewart role, there's also Mr Smith, in Mr Smith Goes To Washington.
  14. My son's 12 now. Think he saw it about three or four years ago. It's really not that bad.
  15. Saw them play this live in Milwaukee in 1991. Outstanding show.
  16. No, party comes first. Same for all parties, although some are more autocratic than others.
  17. I see Hothersall thinks it's a ploy to keep the 'zoomers' on board. This from a man with 139,000 tweets and only 5,600 followers for all his troubles.
  18. I'd be shocked if it comes out directly and says 'we will have a referendum on x date'. Expect it to be tied in to some other issue - EU, Trident, Labour fall in the polls etc. Hopefully she reveals all on Thursday as I'll be at First Minister's Questions!
  19. Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goeth in Schindler's List, and Harry Waters in In Bruges.
  20. We'll see. I'm not convinced. Corbyn threatens the establishment and that can't be allowed. Overthrown or assassinated?
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