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  1. Another attempt by Salmond to force the names of his accusers into public domain?
  2. aaid

    The Weemin

    The Olympics in Women’s football is actually quite a big thing at least relative to men’s football. Before the first World Cup in 1991 it was the only opportunity for international competition. When the draw was made it was obvious that this circumstance was possible, quite why England, Scotland and Wales were not kept separate in the draw is beyond me. It’s either extreme incompetence or seriously bent. There’s only one Scottish player who would walk into that England squad and she wasn’t playing last night as she’s got a cruciate ligament injury. i turned the game over at 5-0. Up until the 2nd goal I thought it was a fairly tight but 4 goals in 11 minutes killed it off. It’s worth looking at Lauren James two goals. The first is a complete fluke as it takes a shocking deflection of Nicola Docherty’s back. The second is a great shot, for her size, Lee Gibson is a good keeper, she gets her fingertips on it but the shot is too strong. She’s only 5’ 7” though. If she were 5’ 10” she gets her palm on it and puts it past. The other goals are all poor defensive errors though.
  3. An FOI was submitted to the SG to get access to Nicola Sturgeon’s written submission to the independent investigation into the breach of the ministerial code over the Alex Salmond affair. The SG say that while they hold it, it is not their information, it is information that belongs to an independent third party who is not covered by FOI law. The information commissioner disagrees.
  4. Still think that Wings is an advocate for Scottish Independence?
  5. I see a few people staying in Augsburg. Augsburg’s fine nothing wrong with it at all, easily accessible from Munich in normal circumstances. i wanted to share though my experience from the CL final in 2012, where I stayed in Augsburg. For those who can’t remember Chelsea beat Bayern Munich on penalties to win - before anyone comes up with the usual pish, there wasn’t any trouble at all, there wasn’t even any issues with people at the game, the problems were caused because of the number of people in the city that night and specifically trying to get everyone home. Bayern and the city of Munich was so convinced they were destined to win in their home stadium - Unser Stadt, Unser Verein, Unser Pokal and all that - that the Munich council basically issued an invite to the whole of Bavaria and wider Germany to “come to Munich and see us win the cup”. There was approximately an additional 500,000 people in Munich that day and that’s on top of the 80000 that had tickets for the game. The Olympiastadion was being used as a fanzone. Obviously the with the game kicking off at 20-45, going to extra-time and penalties and then the presentation ceremony it was just before midnight that we got out the Allianz. Getting back into Munich was very easy, there’s a U-bahn at the the stadium and they were stacking the trains up, so as soon as one filled up it left. When we got into the Hbf though around 20 minutes later, it was a different story, absolute carnage. There was basically too many people in the station and there were no trains running anywhere. I think it was around 2-30 before I managed to get on a crammed RE train going to Augsburg and got back to the hotel around 3-30. I think it was the second or third train to leave Munich Hbf. That was a transport meltdown I’ve rarely seen in the UK and I commuted to London for years, never seen anything that was down to sheer weight of people. This is probably the biggest game to be played in Munich since that night. The problem isn’t the game itself, it’s all the other stuff in the city. Augsburg is close enough that if there’s a repeat you’ll get there but I wouldn’t be that confident on getting a late ICE to somewhere like Cologne as an example. I’d book an early morning train and spend the night in a late night bar.
  6. Of course a lot of stuff came out about Salmond in a way that nobody expected and not just about the actual charges. If there was something I suspect it was some years back. The scuttlebutt described her as a staffer when the rumours were going round in February. She was a staffer in 2015, she also got married in 2015, I’m pretty certain that he was separated from his first wife. If anything went on then its nobody’s business but their’s. I think the whole COVID thing is bollocks.
  7. You and others, although tbf, Freeedom appears to have been the most active.
  8. Plenty of people weren’t so cautious back in February.
  9. Obviously you didn’t read the article you posted the headline too , then.
  10. Funny that it comes out on the day that Matt Hancock gave evidence to the UK COVID inquiry.
  11. This is the same pish that you were spreading during the leadership election. I also think that was supposed to have happened long before COVID which makes it double pish.
  12. I’m sorry to hear that but Russell is very much yesterday’s man.
  13. Of course you miss the point that under AMS, if Jackie Baillie were to lose her constituency seat, she’d simply be replaced by the number Labour person on the West of Scotland, one Jackie Baillie. The same as Anas Sarwar in Glasgow.
  14. Actually been banned twice. When it was first released it was the phrase “Happy Christmas, my arse” that was problematic now it’s “you scumbag, you faggot, you cheap lousy maggot”.
  15. Alistair Darling as well, they’re fair dropping like flies.
  16. He wasn’t looking good in the recent photographs. An absolute genius of a songwriter. Saw them live a few times over the years, mostly brilliant occasionally shambolic.
  17. Oh, I don’t believe a word of what he says, he’s just a troll.
  18. My local council - now Lib Dem run since May but the problems were caused by the Tories - is a baw hair away from being bankrupt.
  19. Ca’ canny with this poll. Ipsos have been “Indy friendly” for a while, they haven’t done a poll since May, and the numbers were basically the same then. Need more polls from more companies.
  20. I wouldn’t put money on that case even coming to court. The reason why he’s lodged a case now is because the SG conceded his case in Jan 2019 and he has five years before he can bring a case. Its a very high bar that he has to prove which is why cases such as this rarely go to court and wins are even rarer.
  21. Sounds like he hasn’t been maintaining his home to an acceptable standard and should he come to sell it will be getting a lot less than he expected. A strange position for someone who is usually so focused on the money.
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