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Armchair Bob

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Everything posted by Armchair Bob

  1. I am not going to jack it. If anything this has awoken my resolve. I am planning to join a local community group and get active. Not in a political sense - just something in the community, whether it is foodbanks or tending old folks gardens or what I don't know yet. I just know somehow that getting engaged with my surrounding people is what needs to happen next.
  2. Aberdeen and Edinburgh - lots of non scots in these cities. The majority I talked to in Edinburgh were going to go no which surprised me but suppose it shouldn't. They have not got a dog in the fight and the majority of them just want an easy life - not many middle class immigrants from abroad are going to vote yes to making the lives of working class scots better. These sort of folk are only going to vote yes if the UK threatens to deport them.
  3. A democracy cafe in every town where like-minded souls can meet and organise. I like it.
  4. If we are to move forward we need to know the nature of our defeat. A poll needs to be commissioned to find out why people voted no. We need to know how many are comfortable being British, and how many wanted indy but were scared out of it, or who were just sceptical of the yes campaign leadership. Let's face it, if a majority of the population identify as British we are probably fucked. But I don't think there is that majority there. We need to know what events need to occur in order for the scales to fall from some peoples eyes. For my wife it was banks threatening to leave and the protection of the British army that became the justification in the end, even though she was always going to vote no anyway (she self identifies as British). When Standard Life moves to London anyway or we are enrolled in another pointless war then that is when conversions can take place.
  5. MacWalka - same here. Something in me died yesterday. I am not sure where that is going to lead me but I have been surprised at the depth of my emotional response.
  6. If there is a yes pub in my town it will be the only pub I drink in. (Unless the beer's rank) Could he a useful hub for other activity as well.
  7. The midgets getting their digs into the big man when he is down. Have some fukking class Rennie.
  8. Id expect nothing less from a man with Union Jack pants.
  9. Keep it. Don't let the the dark side take it off you.
  10. Saltire was gone. Some scattered roses in the drizzle and a hoodie crawing (for doom). No other there. Met a fella in a pub on the royal mile and shook his hand. Was good to meet one honest fella.
  11. Just one point of order before it gets any further. We are no the '45. We are the 45.
  12. Aye. Funereal is the atmosphere today. Well done folks, your pension is safe - this year, maybe next - but our collective doing is coming down the pipes at a rate of knots. I am off to invest in private healthcare and revel in the misery of youse plebs. (Ah'm no really - cannae afford it )
  13. About to say something but see admin4 has got in first. Onyways... at least with Nichola in the FMs chair there will be nae fukking mercy to the lady opposition at FMQs.
  14. And if you have no TV, simply ignore the begging / threatening letters from the TV licensing folk - I use mine as kindling.
  15. You *only* need a TV license to watch live TV *as it is broadast* (whether on TV or computer). That is all. You have *no* obligation to let anybody into your house from the TV licensing people. In fact you have *every* right to tell them to leave your property. If they decide to play silly buggers and get the law involved then politely let the police officer who *shows you a warrant* into your house, commiserate that they are having their time wasted, and keep the TV enforcers fuming impotently on your doorstep - they have *no* right to enter your home even with a warrant, only the police do. You are also welcome to watch live TV without a license *but* that is your call as it is against the law.
  16. Haven't paid for a TV license since 1999. Can't believe anyone still does in this day and age.
  17. Free Scottish Government internet package in every pensioner household
  18. Today I went up Arthur's Seat a bitty after sunrise. Just me, fog, drizzle, a trig point with graffiti 'just say why?' Phoned a pal who wasn't able to make it back to Scotland in time to vote. He was greetin. In to work. Fukkin shyte. No unionist crawing though which was a mercy. Went for a pint at lunchtime and cheered up for a bit. Fukk this. I'm awa oot to find an honest man in Embra and when I find him I'll buy him a drink.
  19. Suppose that's our target now. That and build up our alternative media until it *is* the mainstream.
  20. Are you planning to die next year? On yer bike with the negativity pash!
  21. It would be better to get no change than the half baked 'powers' on promise - emasculation of the parliament, reduction of budget, making up the shortfall by raising *some* income tax (why income, when other taxes are proportionally higher?) How the media managed to sell that as devo max I've no idea. I guess people *wanted* to be conned.
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